4 Simple Tips to Prepare for Your Self-Taped Auditions

Technology has evolved so much so that it allows actors the convenience of self-taped auditions. Actors no longer have to come in and audition in person with the casting director but instead send in their own self-taped auditions. CGTV program is designed to help connects talent to casting directors and top agents in LA and is guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS and we are providing you with four tips to prepare you for your next self-taped audition.


When you are preparing the space where you will be recording, make sure you are front and center of your self-taped audition video. Casting wants to see you and will not be as concerned with the background so have a simple and plain background for your video. Having a solid colored background, like hanging a sheet behind you, is better than having a cluttered background that can be distracting.


Making your wardrobe decisions is like making the setting decisions. Keep it simple and also decide on an outfit to keep the attention on you in a positive way. Avoid busy patterns, logos, white or black girls (black shirts can cause a floating head effect). Our eyes are drawn to the brightest part of an image or video so to keep the attention on you, avoid these wardrobe choices.


To create the best lighting for your video, it’s important to be aware of the lighting you are shooting with. Overhead lighting can be unflattering and cast shadows on you, so to avoid this, shoot closer to an open window to add natural light. You can place a lamp nearby to soften the light and reduce shadows so the attention stays on you.

Recording Equipment

Quality recordings of self tape auditions are what casting directors are looking for. Instead of buying expensive equipment, your phone will do just fine as long as it records videos. When recording, recording in HD isn’t necessary and HD can be unforgiving with its detail. Just make sure the equipment you use shows accurate color, detects sound and has decent focus.

With any audition, you need to make sure you are prepared. Practice on your own or to a friend or family or even grab an acting coach. Before you record, it’s important to have practiced in front of other people at least once so you can hear their feedback and adjust before recording. Also for a great self tape audition, you need to make sure you have the proper recording equipment, a simple background, and the right attire. CGTV program will help connect you with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles and whether it’s your first audition or 11th, we want you to be prepared for your self-taped audition with these self-tape tips.


With sincere thanks for everything you taught me

Dear Adrian R’Mante & CGTV,

Jay ReidI write this letter with a feeling of gratitude and with sincere thanks for everything you taught me.  I just started learning this craft 10 months ago under your tutelage, and in that short time I learned more than I did over the last 2 years. I was scammed out of more than $12,000 pursuing my passion of becoming an actor.  I was wary about spending the money, wondering if this was another expensive dead end. I am happy to say this program was everything it said it was and more.

I will never forget what you said to me when I first auditioned for CGTV.  You said, “You are a natural with an immense amount of talent.  I know that I can help you develop into a great actor.”  Less than 3 months later I was signed to an agent and on my way to what is turning out to be a dream career, except it is now reality.  Not only did you believe in me, but also you welcomed me into your CGTV family.  I truly believe that without you and CGTV that it would be highly unlikely that I would have landed a role on a sitcom, and I might never have had all the opportunities you presented to me.  Now I am on the eve of a guest star appearance, thinking about all of the things you have taught me.   For those of you who need more information about what it is that CGTV does, I will break it down for you.  CGTV provided in-depth acting skills and training.  CGTV provided education on the inner workings of the entertainment business, not just to tell me it is tough, but also why it is tough, and how to succeed despite the odds. Additionally, I have been given several opportunities to share my talent with elite agents, managers and casting directors.  Most of all, I am now a member of a very large acting network. We share our hopes, aspirations and dreams with each other.  We support each other as we all try to navigate the entertainment industry (and in this industry, networking is very important.) I don’t know how to say thank you, not just for running an ethical and high quality business in the middle of a swamp of mediocre programs, but also for being a trustworthy, honest, and sincere person.  The only thing I can think to say time and time again is THANK YOU!


Jay Reid

Family Time info: Jay Reid stars as Cooper on “Family Time” Tune in to BounceTV Monday October 15th at 9/8c to see if Ebony will pick Cooper to go to homecoming with her. Go Team Cooper!

Enjoy Your Audience: Tips for Your First Audition

Al Pacino once said, “An audition’s an opportunity to have an audience.” The well-regarded actor cautioned actors not to expect anything tangible from an audition but to experience the process and the benefits of having an audience.  

AT CGTB we know the importance of an audience and while we believe acting is an art, we know the real process is in the practical nuts and bolts of auditioning.  Here are some tips for your first audition:

Always bring a headshot and resume. Oftentimes actors get caught up in the details of their audition performance and leave their stack of headshots and resumes at home. We can’t emphasize the importance of a head shot and resume enough.  Keep in mind that you won’t be remembered or be able to redo that first impression if you don’t have one.

Be the 3 Cs.  Be comfortable, charismatic and confident.  Actors must command attention. They must be the most interesting people in a 1000 seat theater.

Understand the Role.  Instead of looking at the audition through your eyes, as an actor – try seeing it from the perspective of the casting director. By understanding what they want and tailoring your audition technique to achieving that, you have the best chance at making sure they remember you.

Come Prepared. The only thing you can influence in auditions is your own readiness. Be prepared. This is the number one way to stand out from the crowd and show respect for a casting director and their project. Yet, there are still countless numbers of actors who turn up to auditions unprepared. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll be – and this means you’ll be able to let loose and show off your skills.

Be Ready to Improvise. During the audition, you may be asked to do something completely different from the material you prepared for. All that matters is that you do exactly what you’re told to the best of your ability.

Believe in Yourself….and Breathe. Prepare for your audition starting with your mindset. Nerves and losing faith in yourself will show to the people you’re auditioning for. Take a deep breath, think positive thoughts, and believe in yourself.  Be totally relaxed in your first audition like this famous actor talks about in his first audition .

CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles.

Learn more about the services we provide by calling (818) 284-6689.







