Best Resources for Aspiring Actors

No doubt, the minute you decide to move to Los Angeles and begin your acting career, you will encounter many naysayers and people second-guessing your move.  The good news is that there is a network of aspiring actors out here and ironically, these other actors are not necessarily your competition. In many ways, other actors have used crowdsourcing in order to help themselves to support their own acting career, and you can too.

There’s an emotional hurdle, but also a fundamental to-do list hurdle, serving many practical purposes.  How to find an agent? What seminars and classes to take? Where to go to find the best available scripts?  Where can I find a tailored monologue? Let us compile a list so that you can quickly build your acting career.

Backstage Casting Not only does this site have a huge up-to-date selection of great gigs, one of the best features of Backstage is the ability to filter by a whole range of metrics.  Instead of having to troll through hundreds of posts, simply select your working location, age, ethnicity, your pay scale, and any keywords which might apply and you’re locked and loaded.  

Ace Your Audition Monologues  Actors are often required to have a repertoire of monologues.  This website culls monologue pieces. Individual auditions might call for something specific.  Welcome to over 1,000 free monologues. The monologues are broken down by category. So, if you’re a female 25-50 or a young adult male 15-20 looking for something in particular, you are only a few clicks away. 

YouTube Did you know that YouTube is the third most popular search engine on the planet? YouTube is not ‘just’ a video streaming service, it is the go-to place for self-promotion.

If you’re trying to get your name and face out there, you’re doing yourself a favor by getting plugged into YouTube. Be marketing savvy and recognize this opportunity.  Build an audience early on in your career.

Actors Website Templates Today’s demo reel.  If you don’t have a website, you are selling yourself short, decreasing your chances of somebody finding you. It’s also a lot easier to click over a URL to an agent or potential director rather than posting a  resume into the casting vortex.

CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent to the industry. Talent is guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. In addition to our ongoing workshops and classes, our program offers cold reading and audition, audition techniques, audition with sides, and marketing yourself in acting.

Call us or email us! Phone: 818-284-6689 • Email:

Resources for Aspiring actors


That’s a wrap! How to Make your Video Audition Tape Stand Out

There are so many social media platforms that currently exist for actors and musicians to engage friends and followers on. Just consider for a moment the social media accounts you follow, particularly Facebook and Instagram. Your favorite pages are likely filled with staged or stylized shots, images of their lives that instantly make the person more appealing. It’s images like these that not only make you their devoted fan and follower, but that are inspirational to countless aspiring actors like yourself.

But posing for a beautiful picture, where you can determine and manipulate the lighting, angles, and background, is an entirely different thing than appearing on an audition tape. That is a whole other level when it comes to making sure you, an actor, are perfectly presented.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to make sure your audition tape is a powerful representation of who you are as an artist:

1) Get the Technical aspects right

Make sure that your tape is not only well lit, but that you have the proper sound equipment so you can easily be heard. There’s nothing worse than a casting director clicking on your footage, finding the sound is too low, and immediately dismissing you and moving on to the next actor.

That’s why you need to gather a quality camera with a built-in microphone, a basic tripod, lighting equipment (or use natural lighting), a solid background color, and a reader. Test your equipment properly before you push record.

2)    Get to Know the Script

Although you must know the script like the back of your hand during your audition tape, it’s still important to have it on hand. Doing this will signal to the casting director that while you are an actor that is prepared, that you are treating your performance as a work in progress. You must convey that you will never stop working on and perfecting your craft.

3)    Forget the Slate

This is a common mistake, but unless specifically instructed to, don’t slate for a self-taped audition. It’s another easy way to make your audition tape stand out from the rest.

Every actor knows how important it is to stand out from the rest, how there is never a time where their unique beauty and poise must be showcased in the best possible way. By following these best practices, you’ll guarantee that your audition tapes get you noticed and allow you to be successful in this competitive yet wonderful field.

For more helpful tips on making your audition tape stand out, contact CGTV at 818-847-6689 or email us at We’d be honored to help turn your dreams into a reality.

Get to Know These Industry Terms!

You don’t have to look like Margo Robbie or Jude Law, or have the acting chops of Emma Stone or Denzel Washington to break into the acting business.  It helps, however, to be informed and educated.  One way to get informed is to learn some of the following industry terms:

Above-the-line – Creative talent such as actors, directors, producers, and writers OR the part of the budget which includes costs and fees associated with the above talent.

Actors Equity Association (AEA/ Equity) – A union that has jurisdiction over performers in live stage productions in theaters, such as Broadway and community theater.

Agent – A representative of talent, petitioning on behalf of the talent for work within the entertainment community. Agents, by law, have the right to both solicit employment and negotiate terms for the artists they represent. Not to be confused with manager.

Callback – A follow-up audition, after they have narrowed down the competition.

Call Sheet – The daily schedule of a given production, listing “call times,” actors involved and scenes.

Commercial Agent – an agent that represents talent for television commercials.  This is not to be confused with a print agent which represents models for commercial print ads.

Commercial Modeling – Otherwise known as Print Modeling, this is modeling done for print advertisements, catalogs, etc.

Day Player – An actor who is paid a flat daily rate and generally only has a few lines in the production. Characters that appear in only one scene are generally played by day players. This is sometimes a “step up” for an extra who is asked to read a line on-set.

Dailies – As the film is shot, production and development units view footage the following day. This film stock is known as ‘dailies.’ The producer, director and various studio department heads critically analyze the previous day’s results, looking for any visible problems, from wardrobe to set dressings and performances. In theory, dailies depict the progression of the film in relation to the course of production.

Director – The principal creative artist on a movie set. A director is usually (but not always) the driving artistic source behind the filming process, and communicates to actors the way that he/she would like a particular scene played. A director’s duties might also include casting, script editing, shot selection, shot composition, and editing.

Executive Producer – A producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the filmmaking process, but who is still responsible for the overall production. Typically an executive producer handles business and legal issues.

Extra – A person who appears in a movie where a non-specific, non-speaking character is required, usually as part of a crowd or in the background of a scene.

Honey Wagon – A vehicle/trailer/truck containing dressing rooms and restrooms.

Line Producer – The hands-on manager of a film set, the line producer organizes the practical aspects of production. Line producers and production managers are responsible for budgeting, scheduling and implementation.

Pilot -The first episode of a television show or cable show used as a “test run” amongst networks and producers before the show is greenlit.

Pilot Season – The time between around January to about May when pilot episodes are filmed and tested and possibly given the greenlight to begin production.

Pitch – The meeting held between key players of a film or broadcast literary work. In most cases, this is where the writer(s) attempt to ‘sell’ their product to the producers by explaining why their product should be made by that company into a motion picture.

Slug Line – A header appearing in a script before each scene or shot detailing the location, date and time that the following action is intended to occur.

Taft-Hartley – A federal statute that allows a non-performer to work in a union position without having to first join the union. It is in effect for 30 days from the first day of employment, after which the performer must join the union.

Trailer – An advertisement for a movie which contains scenes from the film.

Treatment – Similar to an outline, a treatment is one of the first steps in developing a project. It adds depth to character and story by filling in missing blanks.

Walk-On – A small acting part which has no lines.

CGTV is a high level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent to the industry. Talent is guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Call us or email us!

Phone: 818-284-6689 • Email:

Industry Terms


Film Trends to Watch for in 2018

With every new calendar year comes a new set of trends to follow and pay attention to. What do interior designers recommend for kitchen wall colors? Are suede and velvet really here to stay in the world of fashion? Which fad diet will have lasting results on my personal health goals?

Yes, trends are everywhere and in every market, and they seem to change and an alarmingly fast rate. But one industry where you may not immediately assume where trends are king is the film industry. But once you think about it, it really makes sense, doesn’t it? Movies are often released in a timely manner to ensure that they will have a profound impact on the culture we live in. They must speak to the issues that we currently dealing with in our modern world by telling a powerful story that sticks with us. Think of the society we are living in now and some of the movies that are being released in theaters today—do you think in general, they are relevant to the issues we are facing in 2018?

Here are a few film trends to keep an eye out for as you visit your local movie theater in 2018:

Inspirational Real-Life StoriesTrends

While very few movies were based on real-life characters in 1996, just twenty years later, according to film data and education expert Stephen Follows, about 27% of films today feature real-life inspirations. The reason for this increase is not only because people today are looking for every-day heroes, but, from a financial standpoint, biographical pictures are often much cheaper to produce.

These real-life stories can come in the form of a biographical movie or even a documentary. In recent years, although not necessarily a huge profit-maker, documentaries are given mainstream releases much more often.

Scary Movies will be King

In 2016, 1,028 horror movies were produced-that’s twice the number that were produced just 10 years earlier in 2006.  Not only is it a popular film genre or many audiences, but horror movies are produced so frequently because of improved technologies in the film industry, and the genre has lost some of its past stigma.

Films with a Religious Message

People often seek comfort and solace when going to the movies—while the movies are an escape from the stresses of real life, so is religion. That’s why you may be seeing more films released with a spiritual theme this year. While they may not immediately guarantee financial success in the box office, these movies often have huge success once they are available to stream or on DVD.

Film industry trends speak to the world that we live in and the problems people currently face. It’s no coincidence that the films that have a special impact on us are relevant to the issues we daily struggle with. And that truth is a trend that is not going away. For more insight into the film industry and popular trends in movies today,  CGTV—we’d love to hear from you and discuss this with you more. Contact us today at 818-284-6689 or email


Nurturing Your Acting Talent

They say repetition is the mother of perfection.  In other words, the more often you do something or partake in an activity, the better you will become at said activity. Acting is no different than sports or music – practice is key to the development of any skill. Although some people are born with a “gift,” most great actors and actresses are made through discipline and love of their craft. Here are a few more suggestions as to how you can nurture your acting talent and grow as a believable actor or actress.

Acting Talent

Expand Your Horizons

As an actor or actress, you have to be able to experience things from multiple viewpoints. The best way to do so, is to get out and start experiencing as much as you can. Go out and have some fun! Travel when possible. Fall in love. Get a hobby. Remove yourself from the world of casting directors and agents and live like a “civilian” for at least a little while each day. Live your life so when you do book an acting job, you’re able to breathe some of that “life” into your work.

Look & Listen

Although acting is an internal process, it does require a fair amount of observation. Paying attention to human behavior is paramount in being able to act believably. Make “people watching” your research – how they react to different situations, the subtleties in their expressions based on emotions, etc. What separates the “good” from the “great” are these little idiosyncrasies peppered into performances that can only come from observing real-life situations transpire.

Watch & Rewind

Learn from the best with this fun exercise. Put on a movie and closely watch the actors. If you see a scene that truly moves you or resonates with you – rewind it and re-watch. What about their performance is remarkable? What is resonating with you? Next, take note of how they use whatever props are available to them in the scene. Do the props aid in their performance? Remember, learning how to deliver a great performance while also believably playing in a make believe environment takes great skill.

CGTV is a high level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles. Learn more about the services we provide by visiting the CGTV website or calling 818-284-6689.



What is a Pilot Season?

Most aspiring actors will tell you there is a lot to learn about moving to Los Angeles and taking a serious crack at show business.  For many, there is not only relocating to this city, finding a job to support them while they audition, but also managing an often ongoing self-doubt.  

There is also the nuts and bolts of the business.  How to find an agent.  How to make a connection with a casting agent.  What seminars and classes to take?  There is also the mystery behind the pilot season, what it is, when it is, and how that affects them as an aspiring actor.  

Here is an expanded typical timeline for a pilot season and how it all unfolds.  

Summer Through Fall:  Executives Pick Pitches & Scripts

During the summer, network and studio executives hear more than 500 pitches for potential new pilots.  Executives will then determine which ones they like and the network can order for the fall.  They then order pilot scripts to be written for each of those picked pitches.  Typically, each network orders around 70 scripts, needing completion before the  holiday season.  During the shutdown period in December, execs take the scripts home to read.

Pilot Season 

January: Order Pilots

After reading the scripts, executives return after the holiday and talk amongst themselves as to what appeals to them.  It is similar to returning from vacation and talking about the exciting places you visited.

Execs discuss creative issues, staffing,  how projects fit into the programming, and what projects they can afford. These talks get narrowed until between 20 – 30 scripts per network are chosen for pilot orders.  

February through April:  Pilots are Cast & Shot

This is the season that affects aspiring actors the most.  Actors are hired in February and March (along with casting directors and directors) and the pilot is typically shot some time in March or April.  

May:  Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down

This is when everybody learns if they have a job or not. After the pilot is edited and the final cut is delivered to the networks, the waiting begins.  Craig Thomas, a showrunner for How I Met Your Mother, likened it to being in high school and savoring any gossip one can get.

For those that have learned the network has green lighted their pilot for fall, it is like winning the lottery.  For those that haven’t been so lucky,  it is still an invaluable learning and career experience.  

CGTV is a high level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent to the industry. Talent is guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Call us or email us!

Phone: 818-284-6689 • Email:



Approaching Your First Audition

Acting may be an art, but being an actor is a career. And, like any career it takes practice, resilience, passion, and more practice. As you head out to the first of hundreds, if not thousands, of auditions, there are a few things every new actor should know.

Understand the Role

Instead of looking at the audition through your eyes, as an actor – try seeing it from the perspective of the casting director. By understanding what they want and tailoring your audition technique to helping them get that, gives you the best chance at making sure they remember you.

Come Prepared

The only thing you can influence in auditions is your own readiness. So be prepared. This is the number one way to stand out from the crowd and show respect for a casting director and their project. Yet, there are still countless numbers of actors who turn up to auditions unprepared. Don’t be one of them. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll be – and this means you’ll be able to let loose and show off your skills.

Be Ready to Improvise

During the audition you may be asked to do something completely different, in which case you’re going to want to do it completely differently. What you did first no longer matters. All that matters is that you do exactly what you’re told, and to the best of your ability. And don’t be shy. Go for it.

Believe in Yourself….and Breathe

One of the most important things about preparing for an audition is your mindset. Why? Because nerves and losing faith in yourself will show to the people you’re auditioning for. Take a deep breath, think positive thoughts, and believe in yourself. In response, you’ll walk into the room looking as confident as ever – and there’s no way the casting directors won’t believe that you belong there. You got this!

So, what are you waiting for?! Once you get the audition the role is just sitting there waiting for you to take it. So, congratulations! Go make that character your own.

CGTV is a high level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles. Learn more about the services we provide by visiting the CGTV website or calling 818-284-6689.

First Audition


Kelley Lucas

Kelley LucasWhen it comes to pursuing an acting career, it takes a lot more than talent and looks. It takes persistence and a can do attitude in order to conquer the beast that is Hollywood. Take a look at Kelley Lucas, a graduate of CGTV, and hear how she got to the top!

In 2016, Kelley got a call from CGTV stating that they had seen her ads and work and thought that their program would be a perfect fit for her. She was ecstatic to learn about the audition, and despite her butterflies, she went and knocked it out of the park! She said that she got to meet Matthew Timmons, Adrian R’Mante, and Matthew Timmons and were all extremely sweet and approachable!

After the audition, Kelley was filled with energy and self-confidence! She felt she had done a great job and was one of the selected few that got to participate in the CGTV program. Kelley says that she invested in he program because it appeared to be a great opportunity to jump-start her career and was an amazing way to mentor with someone she grew up watching.

When Kelley arrived to camp, she got more than she bargained for, gaining valuable knowledge for her acting career, tools that are necessary to build a resumé, and new friends for life that share the same goals as her! While she is wating to do her live ACME performance, she has already gotten attention from multiple agents from her showcase and has even been contacted by Lisa London

What made the difference when it came time to perform? Kelley believes it was the valuable knowledge and training given by television celebrity and former educator Adrian R’Mante and his team. She says specifically that their help and 1-on-1 attention given throughout the course is what made all the difference for her performance.

We finished the interview by asking what Adrian R’Mante and his team did for Kelley and whether she would recommend anyone she knows, she responded with this,

They inspired me even more to pursue my dreams and to never give up. They also taught me some very professional acting tips on how to express a monologue in a certain way. It really improved my acting skill. Mathew Timmons and Adrian worked with me on my monologue as soon as we started practicing and it meant a lot.

I would recommend it because, it is overall a surreal experience and it really motivates you. It can really improve your acting level and help you to come across as more appealing and professional to the industry. No matter what comes out of this experience you will get to meet creative and talented people.

Tips for Raising a Child Actor

There are many aspects of acting that may draw children in, such as the costumes or getting the chance to play a character that’s different from themselves. But there are also many things that parents need to keep in mind if their child is serious about pursuing a career in acting. Here are a few tips for parents to keep in mind when raising a child actor.

  • Training is a Must: When you’re child is in competitive sports, most parents are diligent about not missing a single practice. However, when it comes to acting, most parents don’t have the same mindset. In order for children to stay on top of their talent, they need to practice and always attend their acting classes.
  • Don’t Rush It: Some parents push their child into acting classes, get an agent, and start sending them to auditions without even understanding if the child is emotionally invested yet. Don’t push your child into something they don’t like, especially as something as daunting as acting.
  • Treat Each Audition as a Success: Auditions are scary, there’s no doubt about it. So no matter what happens in an audition, celebrate your child going in there and giving it their all. It can take a number of auditions before you’ll finally book a job, so remind your child to stay confident through the whole process.
  • Keep it Positive: The whole process of practicing for an audition, and going to the audition is extremely stressful for children. If you’re stressed, try and not show it to your child. It’s important for them not to feel guilty about something they’re passionate about, even if it can be stressful.
  • Remember That You’re Part of a Team: Just because you have more knowledge of the process, or have gained more experience does not mean you can now manage or control your child’s career. Let your child grow into their acting career and cultivate relationships with agents, directors, and other actors.
  • Trust Your Child: When your child finally knows their skill set, and the ins and outs of acting and the process, then they finally know the business their getting into. Trust them on this. They’ll know what’s best to wear for an audition and how to prepare. And as hard as it is to let go, remember to stop coaching them.

Here at CGTV, we want your children to succeed in their acting career. Give us a call today at 818-284-6689 or visit our website to learn more about how we can help you child achieve their goals in the acting world.

Raising a Child Actor


Celebrating the Silver Screen Debut of a CGTV Graduate

At CGTV, one of our greatest thrills it to see former students live out their acting passions. With that thought in mind, we are excited to announce that CGTV graduate, Jackson Robert Scott, is part of the cast of the September 8th release of It.

About Jackson

Jackson started his acting career at the young age of five when he began the CGTV program. His training allowed him to work with other successful child actors from the likes of Nickelodeon and Disney. He also got personal training from Adrian, the founder of CGTV.CGTV graduate

Breakout Roles

After his training at CGTV, Jackson was discovered by a top LA agency where he began auditioning for a variety of commercial, television and film projects. His breakout credits include television commercials for K Jewelers as an episode of Criminals Minds.

In his role on the fourth episode of Criminal Minds, season 11, Jackson played Cole Vasquez who is kidnapped by the episode’s anti-hero, William Duke Mason. The show first aired on October 21, 2015.  

Silver Screen Debut

In addition to his small screen successes, he has also made his way to the silver screen in the remake adaptation of Stephen King’s: It. In the “creepy clown” horror movie, Jackson plays Georgie who is the younger brother of the film’s main character, Bill. The show will make its theater debut on Friday, September 8, 2017.

If the trailer views of this thriller are any indication, it should be a box office hit. According to Variety, the It trailer set a record for most online views in a single day, with 197 million views in just 24 hours and 246 views 36 hours after its release.

This is our goal at CGTV – to help young talent get discovered and reach their full potential. We offer a demanding and robust curriculum that is designed to do just that. CGTV has connections with top agents, casting directors and managers. We offer our students workshops in improvisation, techniques for the perfect audition, marketing tools and other information to help them get a foot in the door. In addition, our students learn from the very best in the business, including actors from top network stations. For more information on how to enroll in CGTV, call us at 818-284-6689.