Kristin Fines


My name is Kristin and I was a performer in the CGTV at Orlando in the year 2010 and then recently was invited/joined the 2011 summer CGTV in Los Angeles, California. The CGTV Workshop has helped me in so many ways I have no idea where to begin!

Well I first heard about this workshop through the radio and I honestly thought this was a big scam and I should just ignore the ad. The next few days I kept hearing the ad every once in a while and I started thinking at the end of the week “If I hear this ad one more time I’ll check it out.” And obviously, it did play one last time and I went to go check it out. CELEBRITY CGTV IS NOT A SCAM. It was actually the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. It’s every young actors dream, including my own, to work hands-on with celebrities – a.k.a professionals that went through many audition processes, done shows/movies, met agents, and pros that know everything about the entertainment industry. The celebrities in this workshop are very professional and are so determined to help every single performer, including myself, be successful in every lesson and workshop they teach. They are completely honest with their comments on each performer and upfront which I believe is a true and helpful teacher. They point out our weaknesses that we have in our performances and help us improve on it. At the end of each program, the celebrities, especially CGTV and his wife CGTV (whom are like the Supercouple team since they are helpful to all) talk to the parents and the performers about everything we have learned and what is soon to come. Parents and/ performers that have questions or concerns they want to talk about with CGTV, he will sit down and talk with them one-on-one with whatever performance needs.

Besides increasing my acting skills, Celebrity Sta has changed me as well (in a great positive way of course!) I have learned how to be more confident in what I do, became so much better in memorizing, and have become a lot better with public speaking. For a fact, all of these skills will impact my future positively whether it’s for college or a future career.

Basically this workshop is amazingly awesome! Regardless if it’s for acting and/or for just gaining skills like I have received, I recommend this CGTV to anyone! Thanks to this workshop, I got a local agent from Chrome Talent (thanks to CGTV because at the end of the workshop he let the performers do a showcase in front of local agents and an L.A producer!) and the agent from Chrome has been giving me jobs to do and big auditions for things like commercials, Disney Channel, MTV, and other kinds of shows. I don’t know where else I would be if it weren’t for the CGTV.

Thank again CGTV R’Mante and the CGTV team!I don’t think I can thank you enough.

-Kristin Fines