That’s a Wrap: Knowing Your Industry Terms

By now you know you don’t have to be Emma Stone or Brad Pitt, or have the acting chops of Meryl Streep or Tom Hanks to break into the acting business.  It helps, however, to be informed and educated. One way to get informed is to learn some of the following industry terms:

Above-the-line – Creative talent such as actors, directors, producers, and writers OR the part of the budget which includes costs and fees associated with the above talent.

Actors Equity Association (AEA/ Equity) – A union that has jurisdiction over performers in live stage productions in theaters, such as Broadway and community theater.

Agent – A representative of talent, petitioning on behalf of the talent for work within the entertainment community. Agents, by law, have the right to both solicit employment and negotiate terms for the artists they represent. Not to be confused with manager.

Callback – A follow-up audition, after they have narrowed down the competition.

Call Sheet – The daily schedule of a given production, listing “call times,” actors involved and scenes.

Commercial Agent – an agent that represents talent for television commercials.  This is not to be confused with a print agent which represents models for commercial print ads.

Commercial Modeling – Otherwise known as Print Modeling, this is modeling done for print advertisements, catalogs, etc.

Day Player – An actor who is paid a flat daily rate and generally only has a few lines in the production. Characters that appear in only one scene are generally played by day players. This is sometimes a “step up” for an extra who is asked to read a line on-set.

Dailies – As the film is shot, production and development units view footage the following day. This film stock is known as ‘dailies.’ The producer, director, and various studio department head critically analyze the previous day’s results, looking for any visible problems, from wardrobe to set dressings and performances. In theory, dailies depict the progression of the film in relation to the course of production.

Director – The principal creative artist on a movie set. A director is usually (but not always) the driving artistic source behind the filming process, and communicates to actors the way that he/she would like a particular scene played. A director’s duties might also include casting, script editing, shot selection, shot composition, and editing.

Executive Producer – A producer who is not involved in any technical aspects of the filmmaking process, but who is still responsible for the overall production. Typically an executive producer handles business and legal issues.

Extra – A person who appears in a movie where a non-specific, non-speaking character is required, usually as part of a crowd or in the background of a scene.

Honey Wagon – A vehicle/trailer/truck containing dressing rooms and restrooms.

Line Producer – The hands-on manager of a film set, the line producer organizes the practical aspects of production. Line producers and production managers are responsible for budgeting, scheduling, and implementation.

Pilot -The first episode of a television show or cable show used as a “test run” amongst networks and producers before the show is greenlit.

Pilot Season – The time between around January to about May when pilot episodes are filmed and tested and possibly given the green light to begin production.

Pitch – The meeting held between key players of a film or broadcast literary work. In most cases, this is where the writer(s) attempt to ‘sell’ their product to the producers by explaining why their product should be made by that company into a motion picture.

Slug Line – A header appearing in a script before each scene or shot detailing the location, date and time that the following action is intended to occur.

Taft-Hartley – A federal statute that allows a non-performer to work in a union position without having to first join the union. It is in effect for 30 days from the first day of employment, after which the performer must join the union.

Trailer – An advertisement for a movie which contains scenes from the film.

Treatment – Similar to an outline, a treatment is one of the first steps in developing a project. It adds depth to character and story by filling in missing blanks.

Walk-On – A small acting part which has no lines.

CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent to the industry. Talent is guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS, Disney Channel, and Nickelodeon. Call us or email us! Phone: 818-284-6689 • Email:

How To Find Quality Auditions

As a talented and experienced actor, you know that there are many battles you have to fight on a daily basis in order to stand out from the crowd. You constantly have to hone your craft, study new and innovative ways to get into character and be in touch with your emotions in order to convincingly play a part.

But in this competitive business, sometimes, even finding the chance to get in a room in front of influential casting directors and producers is the most difficult part of being a successful actor. What resources can you be using to ensure that you are always aware of the best auditions? Are you looking in the right places, or are you missing opportunities that can positively impact your career? Here are a couple of foolproof ways for you to find auditions in your area.

Hire a Talent Agent or Manager

According to WikiHow, a talent agent or manager is crucial to getting you noteworthy auditions no matter what stage of your career you are in; they will get to know your acting resume and search for parts and auditions that will work best with your skill set. If you have friends or colleagues that are in the business and that do have a talent agent, ask them to pass along your information. You can also find an agent through local community actors you may have worked with in the past.

“Backstage” is your New Best Friend

The Backstage publication, available both in print and online, is an exceptional source for actors like you looking for career-changing auditions. Backstage’s auditions for television shows include casting calls for a variety of exceptional opportunities, including TV network comedies and dramas, commercials, reality shows, web series and much more. New TV and video auditions are also posted to on a daily.

Pay Attention to Social Media

Facebook is a great resource for getting auditions. Wikihow also states that because event pages are often used to announce open casting calls and auditions, social media websites like Facebook are a great resource for getting auditions in film, TV, and even theater.

CGTV prides itself on providing exemplary customer services. We take every measure to ensure you are satisfied with all your high-level TV, film, and entertainment program needs and will do whatever it takes to earn your business and remain lifelong clients.  CGTV has been forming exceptional talent in the Los Angeles area; we pride ourselves on being large enough to provide professionalism and reliability, yet small enough to provide personalized service. To discover more about how we can help you become the star you were meant to be, please visit our website today or call us at 818-206-0290.  Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on current events, tips, and specials.  




3 Reasons All Actors Need to be on Social Media

Social media is not just sharing selfies, the food you ate, or videos of a recent vacation. Actors are being told to post more on social media about their outfits to build their following and eventually get cast in parts. It’s been said that some parts have been cast to those who have a higher social media following. CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program helping connect talent to the industry and here are 3 reasons all actors need to be on Social Media.

Ever wonder why someone with a higher social media following may be cast over you without social media? It may be partly because without social media, you’re less castable. You are less desirable to networks because you can’t share the project you’re working on to your fans. When you have an active platform and a higher number of followers, you can post about your project which makes you a team player. If you work with CGTV, make sure you have a social media following.

Social media helps you to reconnect and build new relationships with your audience. When you post, you are top of mind with your followers and continue building those relationships with your audience. Before social media, you would only be able to connect with people in person. But now you can connect online with a simple direct message.

Social media is now becoming a part of jobs. If part of your job was to post, go live, tweet, or even do an Instagram takeover, do you have the capability to do so? The agents and managers in Hollywood are now requesting a headshot, resume, acting reel, and social media following. So if you haven’t done so yet, create a profile on a few of the channels and start building a following.

Start creating your own opportunities by using social media. Build, connect, and foster relationships with your audience and become more castable. If you are ready to be cast for a job, contact CGTV at 818-206-0290 or visit our website to learn more.

social media for actors

Tips to Memorize Lines Fast

It’s a moment that every actor has faced at some point in their careers. They earn a role they fought for after pouring every ounce of their talent and ability into their audition. They eagerly begin thinking about how they will authentically portray their character in an impactful and memorable way. But sometimes, this excitement and anticipation can be met with anxiety and tension, especially at the moment when the script is received.

Being overwhelmed when reviewing the script for a play, television show, commercial, or film is perfectly natural. Reviewing the pages and memorizing not only your great amount of dialogue but getting the sense of how you will move onstage or how the camera will move around you, can be a challenge for actors of all experience levels. Luckily, there are a few tricks that will make the memorization process go much faster, allowing you to bask in the excitement of a role well-earned.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to memorize lines fast.

Write Them Down

This method of memorizing lines quickly may surprise many, but believe it or not, writing down your lines in each of your scenes is a guaranteed way to remember each of you lines word for word.  Many actors swear by this method, as it is an effective way to connect your mind to the action of writing the lines and seeing the lines simultaneously.

Practice with an Actor

Running your lines with a fellow actor is a great way to memorize your lines in a rush. When reading, focus on pausing between each line, paying special attention to what is being said. If you understand what is going on with the scene and where the dialogue will naturally go, it will make the process go smoothly.

Invest in an App

The Rehearsal 2 App is a wonderful way for actors to learn lines. It’s the scene partner that never gets tired of running lines with you. This secret weapon allows you to highlight the lines, record the other character’s lines, and use it as a teleprompter, which will scroll through the script as you are reading it.

CGTV prides itself on providing exemplary customer services. We take every measure to ensure you are satisfied with all your high-level TV, film, and entertainment program needs and will do whatever it takes to earn your business and remain lifelong clients.  CGTV has been forming exceptional talent in the Los Angeles area; we pride ourselves on being large enough to provide professionalism and reliability, yet small enough to provide personalized service. To discover more about how we can help you become the star you were meant to be, please visit our website today or call us at 818-206-0290.  Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on current events, tips, and specials.  


4 Simple Tips to Prepare for Your Self-Taped Auditions

Technology has evolved so much so that it allows actors the convenience of self-taped auditions. Actors no longer have to come in and audition in person with the casting director but instead send in their own self-taped auditions. CGTV program is designed to help connects talent to casting directors and top agents in LA and is guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS and we are providing you with four tips to prepare you for your next self-taped audition.


When you are preparing the space where you will be recording, make sure you are front and center of your self-taped audition video. Casting wants to see you and will not be as concerned with the background so have a simple and plain background for your video. Having a solid colored background, like hanging a sheet behind you, is better than having a cluttered background that can be distracting.


Making your wardrobe decisions is like making the setting decisions. Keep it simple and also decide on an outfit to keep the attention on you in a positive way. Avoid busy patterns, logos, white or black girls (black shirts can cause a floating head effect). Our eyes are drawn to the brightest part of an image or video so to keep the attention on you, avoid these wardrobe choices.


To create the best lighting for your video, it’s important to be aware of the lighting you are shooting with. Overhead lighting can be unflattering and cast shadows on you, so to avoid this, shoot closer to an open window to add natural light. You can place a lamp nearby to soften the light and reduce shadows so the attention stays on you.

Recording Equipment

Quality recordings of self tape auditions are what casting directors are looking for. Instead of buying expensive equipment, your phone will do just fine as long as it records videos. When recording, recording in HD isn’t necessary and HD can be unforgiving with its detail. Just make sure the equipment you use shows accurate color, detects sound and has decent focus.

With any audition, you need to make sure you are prepared. Practice on your own or to a friend or family or even grab an acting coach. Before you record, it’s important to have practiced in front of other people at least once so you can hear their feedback and adjust before recording. Also for a great self tape audition, you need to make sure you have the proper recording equipment, a simple background, and the right attire. CGTV program will help connect you with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles and whether it’s your first audition or 11th, we want you to be prepared for your self-taped audition with these self-tape tips.


Enjoy Your Audience: Tips for Your First Audition

Al Pacino once said, “An audition’s an opportunity to have an audience.” The well-regarded actor cautioned actors not to expect anything tangible from an audition but to experience the process and the benefits of having an audience.  

AT CGTB we know the importance of an audience and while we believe acting is an art, we know the real process is in the practical nuts and bolts of auditioning.  Here are some tips for your first audition:

Always bring a headshot and resume. Oftentimes actors get caught up in the details of their audition performance and leave their stack of headshots and resumes at home. We can’t emphasize the importance of a head shot and resume enough.  Keep in mind that you won’t be remembered or be able to redo that first impression if you don’t have one.

Be the 3 Cs.  Be comfortable, charismatic and confident.  Actors must command attention. They must be the most interesting people in a 1000 seat theater.

Understand the Role.  Instead of looking at the audition through your eyes, as an actor – try seeing it from the perspective of the casting director. By understanding what they want and tailoring your audition technique to achieving that, you have the best chance at making sure they remember you.

Come Prepared. The only thing you can influence in auditions is your own readiness. Be prepared. This is the number one way to stand out from the crowd and show respect for a casting director and their project. Yet, there are still countless numbers of actors who turn up to auditions unprepared. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll be – and this means you’ll be able to let loose and show off your skills.

Be Ready to Improvise. During the audition, you may be asked to do something completely different from the material you prepared for. All that matters is that you do exactly what you’re told to the best of your ability.

Believe in Yourself….and Breathe. Prepare for your audition starting with your mindset. Nerves and losing faith in yourself will show to the people you’re auditioning for. Take a deep breath, think positive thoughts, and believe in yourself.  Be totally relaxed in your first audition like this famous actor talks about in his first audition .

CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles.

Learn more about the services we provide by calling (818) 284-6689.


Making a Living While Trying to Make it Big

Being a successful actor is the ultimate dream for many, but reality for few. Acting is one of the most if not the most competitive careers in the world. Making a living while trying to “make it” can be tough, since Los Angeles/Hollywood is one of the most expensive cities in the US. While trying to catch your big break, here are some great ideas for income opportunities:


This may seem a cliche side job for an up and coming actor, but there’s a reason serving tables is a tried and true income option. The flexible schedule allows you to trade shifts with your co-workers when an audition pops up, and, if you’re good at it, tips can be pretty good money. This is especially true in Los Angeles, where some of the trendier restaurants are hangouts for the Hollywood big shots. There’s a good opportunity to network while getting tips, so it’s really a win-win for those still looking to get their big break.


Like waiting tables, bartending is a great way to earn a full-time income while working flexible, part-time hours. Working at a popular nightclub or a fancy restaurant in Los Angeles or New York can earn you some serious cash, all while keeping you free for auditions.


Provide Another Type of Service

Nanny, dog walker, pet sitter, and even personal assistant are all unique services you can provide that people in New York and Los Angeles would be willing to pay top dollar for. It might not be as easy to get your foot in the door like waiting tables or bartending, but if you find a way to market yourself appropriately, you might have quite the business going for yourself that will support you while you audition.


Okay, so this is no one’s dream job. But, unpleasant as it may be, it can pay the bills. You might even consider role-playing on one of the 1-900 phone companies. It’s not the most respectable acting gig, but hey, there’s money to be made if you need it.

Blogger/Web Writer

If you’re computer savvy and have a way with words, you might want to look for opportunities for someone to pay you to write web related content. A digital media company may hire you to write web page content or manage the social media pages of their clients. You can also try blogging. A successful personal blog may get you advertising revenue, as well as a certain breakthrough fame to get your foot in the door on your other endeavors.

For more great tips on how to make it by financially while trying to make it big as an actor, you can read our post here. Being an actor requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. CGTV’s program prepares young talent every step of the way. To read testimonials, success stories, and to learn more about our program, please visit our website or call (818) 284-6698!

Trouble Memorizing Your Lines? Try These Tips!

Memorizing lines can be stressful, however, if you’re someone who has trouble remembering what line comes next, there are many tips out there that can help. Read below for a few new tips to try the next time you can’t remember your lines.

  1. Think of your script as just a string of sentences that are grouped together. Then break down those sentences into groups of pictures. Those words you’re using are creating images that are being used to convey the story and the meaning of the story. Try and connect images to each sentence, or even parts of a sentence, to recall your lines quicker.

  2. The first time you read a scene, read through it as if it were a novel. Picture yourself as the character, what they’re feeling, where they are, and what they’re thinking. This will help set the scene and make it feel like a reality, so the next time you run through the scene, it will be easier to place yourself into the surroundings of your character.

  3. Remember to take breaks often! Read through one section until you think you’ve got a solid grasp on it, and then step away from it for awhile. When you come back, run through the scene then move onto the next. Repeat this process until you’ve finished all scenes or acts that you need to memorize.

  4. Think of your lines as a train of thought. If you can think about these strung together as opposed to single lines, you’ll be able to remember what you’re talking about and what comes next. Focus on what you’re trying to talk about rather than thinking about how you’re going to go about saying it.
  5. Try thinking about the meaning of the scene and the words you’re saying as opposed to memorizing them exactly as is. Many people can memorize sentences, but don’t really pay attention to the meaning of the sentence. Focus on the meaning of the scene or act, and go from there.

Many of these tips are just suggestions and won’t work for everyone. The most important thing is to find a way that works for you and to stick with it. If you find that you’re still having trouble, contact CGTV to talk to any one of our many acting coaches.

Memorizing Lines


Improving Your Improv Delivery

Life is improvisation. And scripts are improvisation from our characters’ lives. If you embrace this, you’ll realize the roles for which you audition are just moments in the lives of the characters. This means they’re improvising their way through a movie and we are just flies on the walls of their lives. Taking this into consideration, you’ll see how the following can help improve your improv delivery and enhance your auditions.

Take Classes

Some people are born with a natural stage presence. Most aren’t. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn the skills necessary to be an awesome improviser. And as an added bonus to taking improv classes, agents and casting directors often scout at places such as UCB, The Pit, Magnet, National Comedy Theatre, etc.

Listen and Be Supportive

As simple as this seems, it is probably one of the most difficult skills to master. Listening will free you from having to think of what you are going to say ahead of time. Assuming you have listened, you will be able to agree with what was said AND add information (“Yes, And.”). The agreement is what allows a scene to progress!

Don’t Try So Hard For Laughs

The hidden riddle of improv is that the harder you try not to be funny the funnier your scene is going to be. Why? Because the very best kind of improv scene you can do is an “interesting” scene, not necessarily a “funny” one. When you do an interesting scene, a very surprising thing happens…the funny comes out all by itself. The best ways to go are to stick to your character, stick to the story that is being told, and to stay within the reality of the scene you are playing.

Understand Your Character

Be sure to read all the material that is provided for you so you fully understand what is happening and what your character wants. Familiarize yourself with the sides and script to better understand the relationship between the characters, as well as your characters’ backstory.

Have Fun

Even if the scene starts taking a weird turn, just relax, have fun, stay in the present, and go with the flow!

CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles. Learn more about the services we provide by visiting the CGTV website or calling 818-284-6689.

Improv Delivery



CGTV is Proud of its Many Success Stories

As painful as it is to admit it, sometimes, individual dreams of stardom remain just that; only dreams. But with the proper guidance and support, those dreams become easily attainable and become reality. This is what happens when you have a qualified, encouraging, and knowledgeable resource like CGTV. Several of our clients have gone on to have successful and lucrative careers in the entertainment industry. Here are a few success stories of our many standouts that, like you, are doing what they love and making a huge impact in the world of entertainment.

RJ Cyler

RJ CylerRJ Cyler featured as one of Forbes Magazine’s hottest young talents under 30 in their 30 under 30 list, is a name that is certainly going places. After landing a lead role in the hit Indie film “Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl,” Cyler next used his talents as the coveted blue Power Ranger in the recent big screen hit. As if you needed another reason to binge TV, he can be seen in Brad Pitt’s “War Machine” on Netflix.

Rebecca Taylor-Klaus

Rebecca Taylor - KlausIf you are a fan of action movies then you are familiar with Rebecca Taylor-Klaus, who starred with Vin Diesel in The Last Witch Hunter. It’s such a joy to see Rebecca kick butt not only on the screen but in real life. We can’t wait to see what she does next.


Jackson Robert Scott

Jackson Robert ScottDid you happen to catch the Stephen King’s IT in the theaters last year? If you did, you know that the movie starts out with the haunting scene of little Georgie being tormented by the evil titular clown. Well, if you HAVE seen that movie, then you know Jackson Robert Scott, who played Georgie in the successful film!  Scott has also been seen in commercials for Kay Jewelers and an episode of Criminal Minds-there is no doubt that he has a bright future ahead of him.

These and other of CGTV’s success stories started out with big dreams; Become one of our many success stories and contact CGTV today. Our rigorous curriculum, which covers everything from audition techniques to marketing tips, is designed to help connect young talent with the agents, managers and casting directors that will let their career take off. We’d be honored to help you advance your career in the entertainment business. Call us today at 818-284-6689 or email to set up your first appointment.