What Makes a Child Actor Successful?

Certainly your child has what it takes to be a star; passion, drive, natural acting ability, charisma. However, it is likely that others competing for the same role, possess the same winning qualities. So what is it that sets one actor apart from another? What does it take to make a child actor successful?


Self-confidence is defined as a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment – a positive

Successful Child Actor

belief that one can accomplish what he or she set out to do (not to be confused with self-esteem, which is an evaluation of one’s own worth). A person can increase their self-confidence from experiences of having mastered particular activities. Acting can boost the self-confidence of child performers if they show up to auditions, interviews, and jobs fully prepared. Parents can help their child actors confidence levels by remaining supportive and available.

Positive Attitude

It’s a given that parents want their children to have a positive attitude, but teaching them how to adopt this way of thinking might not be so easy. When a child develops a positive attitude early on, positive thinking becomes a habit that will help them thrive and succeed in all aspects of their life, especially in the sometimes-cruel world of acting. It’s important to try and encourage your child to always focus on the best possible outcome rather than the worse. Ultimately, choosing to have a positive attitude will be more beneficial and help them get through difficult or testing situations.

ResilienceChild Actor

Unfortunately, rejection, jealousy, self-scrutiny, obsessive thoughts, and the need to be perfect can come with the territory of acting. A young actor will have to face being told “no” – and it is how he or she responds that is important. A child performer’s first thought should not be to quit when things become challenging. He or she must keep an optimistic outlook and try another audition. And another. No one is right for every role, and there are many possible reasons why someone does or doesn’t get cast. Understanding that “it’s not personal” teaches a child actor persistence.

Positivity, confidence, and resilience are needed every step of the way on the road to stardom. By providing your child actor with lots of love and praise, you help encourage positivity. Kind words, hugs, kisses, high-fives and special treat days out every now and again are sure to keep everyone feeling upbeat and optimistic.

CGTV is a high-level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles. Learn more about the services we provide by visiting the CGTV website or calling 818-284-6689.

Successful Child Actor










Making a Living as an Actor

Making a living as an actor can be challenging due to the realities of the industry. Varying assignment durations, income instability, and intense competition make a career in acting both exciting and unpredictable. For those who feel a passionate calling for acting, the stimulating challenges and ongoing learning involved in acting can be intensely rewarding. Accepting the nature of the industry, being flexible, and budgeting wisely all help successful actors cope with the highs and lows their profession entails.


Accepting the Nature of the Industry

Accepting the reality of the industry can help actors plan for alternative streams of income during dry spells. Earning a living from acting alone, while possible, is rarely a lifelong or stable situation, even for famous actors. TV and theater shows can be canceled. Many acting assignments are of short duration, such as commercials or seasonal performances. Freelance work, teaching classes, or lower-stress, flexible jobs can help actors while they audition and hunt for their next gig.

Thinking Outside the Box

Actors already think outside the box each time they step into a new role. Diversifying your repertoire and being flexible about the types of acting you do can land you more roles, as well as more opportunities to get your name out there. Commercials, print modeling, acting jobs at theme parks and on cruise ships, and even making your own YouTube series are all ways to keep acting, gain experience, and make valuable connections.

Making Connections

Signing with a reputable agent often leads to landing more work. After all, they only get paid for their work when you do! Good agents should also be well-connected and get your name out at important events.

Networking with other actors and those working within the stage or production industry can lend insights into valuable leads and information. Stay in touch with people you work with even after a show or assignment has ended.

Budgeting Wisely

Preparing and budgeting for bouts of unsteady employment and income can help avoid the temptation to live beyond your means during high-income periods. Don’t forget to set aside some of your earnings to invest in staying competitive in your craft, including in the areas of promotion and continuing education.

For more great tips on how to make a living as an actor, including how to deduct certain expenses of your craft from your taxes, see here!

Being an actor requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. CGTV’s program, from its curriculum to rehearsal videos, prepares young talent every step of the way. To read testimonials, success stories, and to learn more about our program, please visit https://cgtv.la/ or call (818) 284-6698!

How to Create a First-Rate Self-Taped Audition

Standing out in the mind of a casting director requires attention to detail, technical skill, and having the right combination of exactly what they are looking for. A self-taped audition allows an actor to get in front of a director in a more controlled audition setting. Creating the right tape is crucial in catching their eye and getting a coveted callback.

  • Technically perfect – Even the best acting can be upstaged by poor lighting, bad sound quality, a poorly framed video and technically sub-par footage. If the director needs to adjust their computer or television to hear or see your audition, they may just move on to the next actor’s tape.
  • The right equipment – In order to create a properly executed self-taped audition, there are a few pieces of equipment that are necessary. A quality camera with a good microphone is a must. Use a tripod so that your footage is steady and find an area with good lighting (or invest in lighting). Additionally, choose the background carefully. A busy or loud color can be very distracting to the viewer. Finally, take some time to pick out your wardrobe. Make sure it does not clash with the background or wash out your skin tone.
  • Know your part – While it is important to have your part memorized, it is also important to keep the script close by. Your part is a work in progress and is not a fully developed character yet. Having the script in-hand speaks to your ability to flexible and adaptable as an actor.
  • Skip the slate – Using a slate will make your tape look amateur. Unless you are asked to use one in your audition self-tape, plan to go without it.
  • Do as you are told – The quickest way into the trash bin is not following instructions. Self-tape requests often come with very specific details regarding what is expected by the casting director. A good rule is to do everything that is asked, no matter how silly it might seem. Failure to follow directions is the easiest way to get your tape rejected.
  • Preparedness – No matter what, being prepared for that moment, is ultimately the only thing the artist is in control over. How well you prepare prior to the actual tape is extremely important.
  • Keep your reader close – Keep your reader just off camera so that they are not seen, but their lines can be heard on the tape.

If you need more tips on how to create a call-back quality self-taped audition, Check out the CGTV website for helpful tips.  

Self-taped Audition


Discovering Your Inner Artist

Interactions between people are highly complex, and our imaginations couldn’t possibly fathom them all. The first step in understanding anything is through observation; making note of human emotions, watching reactions, recognizing cause and effect – all while being cognizant of your own actions. Just as art imitates life, emotional awareness and understanding can lead to an impressive skillset and the discovery of your inner artist.Inner Artist

Being Believable

A good performance can be identified when the audience believes the performer is actually going through whatever their character is going through. Partially the physical stuff (“She’s really getting shot!” “He’s really jumping off a moving train!”), but mostly the psychological stuff (“He really is scared!” “She really is in love!”). If it seems fake, the performer is not doing a good job. And if it doesn’t seem real, there’s no point in it. So how does one become believable? Developing a character with a convincing, yet complex backstory is what allows viewers to believe and separates the good from the great.

Character Building

This may be the most important, but most difficult aspect of performing, because it requires total vulnerability. In order to create character depth, one must dig deep and share the parts of themselves that most people keep hidden. Performers everywhere have Konstantin Stanislavski, the father of modern acting (and every acting technique created in the modern era), to thank for formulating seven questions to help actors build believable characters. When time and energy are put into answering these questions, a performer will  inevitably have a greater understanding of their character and their personal acting technique.

Dig deep into what you love about your subject matter and find a way to express those innermost feelings. It’s this passion that will drive you to new experiences, challenge you in discoveries, and bring the greatest joy to you and your audience.

CGTV is a high level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles. Learn more about the services we provide by visiting the CGTV website or calling 818-284-6689.


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Want to Land that Perfect Role?

Want to Land that Perfect Role? Here’s How You Give a Winning Audition!

There are few processes in this world that are as joyful, complex, and carefully crafted as the audition process. No aspect must be overlooked—every component is crucial for success. And you, as the aspiring performer, have left no detail unchecked. Your resume and headshot are perfect, your performance piece perfectly showcases your wide range of talents, and even your wardrobe reflects your distinct personality as an artist.

You have planned this so carefully, but, as is the reality of show business, so have the countless other people auditioning alongside you.

Don’t let the part of your dreams slip out of your hands. There are ways to stand out from the crowd and make your talent heard at every audition you attend! It’s time you take control of your destiny as a superstar—focus on these helpful tips to keep you feeling confident at every audition!

Let your Confidence Shine
Do you feel nervous before an audition? Don’t worry—it’s perfectly natural! But the most important thing is to not let it show. Approach the casting directors with your head held high and with a smile on your face! Standing up straight and making exceptional eye contact are wonderful, non-verbal ways to express that you are confident and capable.

Show Your Personality
The industry is looking for performers who are passionate, curious and engaged in their material. It’s okay to ask a few questions about the part you are auditioning for—it shows them that you care about the material and how you present it!

Understand the Character
It’s crucial to understand the motivations of your character before you step in front of the casting directors.  Get a feeling for their personality, the impressions they make on the people in their lives, and what the author or playwright thinks about the character you are auditioning to portray.

A great way to do this is to not only be thoroughly prepared on the character’s dialogue, but to look beyond that. Think of what is being unsaid in a scene and how your character reacts to that. Think about if the character is getting what they ultimately desire in the scene, or if not, what obstacles stand in their way. It’s deep thinking like this that will make you stand out from the rest.

Never doubt or forget that YOU are a star—and we at CGTV know you have what it takes to make it big! Contact us at 818-284-6689 or by email at  Hollywood@cgtv.la to see how we can make your dreams of stardom a reality.

We look forward to hearing from you, and remember, break a leg!


The Big Break: CGTV Actors Recall their Beginnings

CGTV creates real success stories, and our alumni are proof of that. CGTV alum Bex Taylor-Klaus was interviewed by Collider after scoring her “big break” role of Bullet for the AMC series The Killing. Collider asked Bex if she remembered the moment she found out she had gotten the role.

Bex said, “I remember that moment. I recently got asked what the best moment of my life was, and the first thing that popped into my head was getting the phone call from my agent.”

All aspiring actors hope to recall a moment like this. Another CGTV alum, RJ Cyler, has found fame starring in the new Power Rangers movie as the Blue Ranger. His first big break, though, was a smaller-budget indie film that became a Sundance darling, called “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.” RJ played the titular Earl, who together with his co-worker befriend a classmate who has been diagnosed with cancer. RJ has said that the role of Earl has opened up many more opportunities for him, and was quoted as saying in an interview with Collider, “This is like the perfect launchpad for my career … now it’s only up and up.” A first acting gig is not only exciting for the actor who secures the role, but potentially life-changing as well.

Adrian R’Mante, co-founder of CGTV and long-time working actor in Hollywood, gained his footing in show business when heCGTV alum received a scholarship to the theater program at the University of Central Florida-Orlando. Adrian had the fortunate opportunity to work with some of the top-acting professionals in the country. During his training, he worked on Nickelodeon’s Gamelab, Slimetime Live, and the prestigious Orlando Shakespeare Festival. Adrian eventually decided it was time to move to Hollywood and live out his dream in television and film. After arriving in Hollywood, Adrian landed a co-starring role on the TV show Profiler. From here, Adrian met casting director Anthony Barneo who became the reason Adrian is where he is today. Adrian’s biggest and most recognized role to date is that of Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Dela Rosa Ramirez from the mega hit Disney Channel television show The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.

If you are an aspiring actor, you too can one day hopefully feel the elation that comes with nabbing your first acting role. If you’re looking for a foot in the door in Hollywood, CGTV can help! CGTV is a high level TV, film, and entertainment program designed to help connect talent with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Los Angeles. To get started, register on our website to receive information about upcoming audition events.

How to Find an Amazing Agent & Manager

Agents are busy people in an already fast-paced industry. They work tirelessly to get their existing clients in roles and scout for new talent at the same time. While finding an agent takes time and effort, they hold the keys to the acting industry and are an important component of just about any actor’s career.


Cold submissions to agents are rarely successful. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send inquiries to your dream agencies. However, more importantly, cultivate contacts and connections within the industry. Many agents take interest in talent they hear about from trusted professionals and acquaintances in the field or from existing clients. Politely ask your friends, colleagues, and mentors who know agents for references, and to pass on your information too.

Do Your Research

Take the time to learn about which acting agencies are reputable and have a lot of client success. Find agencies that fit where you are in your career. Pay careful attention to professional standards in the industry about how to approach agents at events and on social media. The last thing you want to do is come off as an amateur or ruin your chances from the get-go. The agent-rep relationship is highly personalized and finding the right “fit” for your career, goals, and personality makes it work. For some great resources on this topic and research tips, see here!

Work, Work, WorkAgent

In spite of how busy agents are, they are also constantly on the lookout for new talent. It is, after all, how they stay in business! The best way to catch an agent’s eye is to keep perfecting your skills, and most importantly, keep acting. Agents not only attend tryouts and plays, they watch films and other videos, and frequent events where they keep an ear to the ground for new names. The more you put yourself out there, the more exposure you receive. The more exposure, the more people hear and talk about you. When you’re not on the set or taking classes, work on getting headshots, keeping an up-to-date presence on social media, and improving your website and resume.

If you are ready to take the first steps towards making yourself more marketable, preparing yourself for your breakout role, and finding an agent, CGTV’s success-driven curriculum includes

  • Developing confidence
  • Honing auditioning skills
  • Understanding how to market yourself
  • Preparing professionally and socially for stardom

all with the help and input of CGTV’s fantastic agency partners. Find out all about how CGTV helps young actors with training and networking on our site, or our Facebook page today!

How Do I Become a Working Actor?

Becoming an actor involves talent – but hard work, persistence, and industry knowledge are what moves talent into the spotlight. Although the road to being a professional actor can be long, if you have a positive attitude towards learning as much as possible, meeting new people, and loving what you do, the journey itself will often be filled with joyful moments and triumphs.


Perfecting Your Craft: Never stop learning

Actors and actresses work at expanding their skills, whether they are still waiting for their breakout role or have won multiple awards. One of the challenges (and benefits) of being an actor is that there is always something new to learn or improve upon. Whether you try your hand at improvisational acting, take voice lessons, or give a new type of theater a shot, just about anything you learn will come in handy at some point in your career. Taking summer acting courses, attending acting camps and auditioning are all learning experiences that also give you the opportunity to network with others in the industry.

Networking: Industry connections matter

Acting is a tough road to try to go alone. Making connections with other actors, mentors, agents, and teachers increases your knowledge of the industry, betters your craft, and boosts your chances of being put in touch with a high-quality agent or casting call. Just about everyone in the acting industry has worked hard to get where they are and has wisdom and experience to share.

Persistence Pays: Prepare for hard work and, yes, some rejection

Actors and actresses face rejection, no matter where they are in their career. Whether an agent says “no” to representing you or you’re turned down for a part, perseverance provides an actor with the will to move on and try again. The best way to become an actor is to keep acting, perfect your craft, and avoid becoming discouraged. Good actors treat each professional experience as a learning opportunity, knowing that their love for acting does not hinge on getting one particular role or landing a specific agent, but knowing that the next opportunity for success deserves their best shot.

For more tips and insights on becoming an actor, check out this article!

RJ Cyler, Forbes Magazine 30 under 30 list!

RJ CylerCGTV reviews are on FIRE!  RJ Cyler one of the shiniest stars in our bunch is making global headlines as one of Forbes Magazine’s hottest young talents under 30 on their 30 under 30 list.  You can read the full article here:  http://www.forbes.com/profile/rj-cyler/

We are coming to many major US cities and International Cities across the globe in 2017.   if we are not coming to yours, you may want to consider traveling to a city nearby.  We will post which cities on our blog as they are announced.  Our grads are on Fire, check out RJ Cyler the newest winner of the Forbes, 30 under 30 distinction.  Other winners of this illustrious awards are people like Mark Zuckerberg, so RJ is in great company.
We found, trained and put RJ in front of all of our hollywood agents, managers and connections.  That training and those contacts got him exactly where he is today. He is now a critically acclaimed actor for his role in Me, Earl & The Dying Girl and is starring in the summer blockbuster Power Rangers 2017 as Blue Power Ranger.  In addition, Brad Pitt picked him up for War Machines, a Netflix Original.
If you think you have what it takes and you are serious about getting your chance to shine in front of exactly the right people, we are interested in you auditioning for one of our celebrity judges.  From the ages of 5-25, Hollywood is waiting for you.  All looks, all ethnicities, all body types, we are looking for every type. We love kids and more importantly, we love making kid’s dreams come true.
Adrian R’Mante, aka Esteban of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody is not only the owner of CGTV, he is the hands on acting coach, film scene director and mentor to each and every participant that comes through CGTV.  While he has a celebrity staff that have almost entirely come from Disney Shows, he makes sure each student gets his personal time as well.

RJ Cyler dreamed a big dream and is now living that same dream.

CGTV is a rigorous curriculum designed to help connect young talent like RJ Clyer with some of the top agents, casting directors, and managers in Hollywood. Workshops include improv, audition techniques, marketing tips and more, for film, theater, television, and commercial acting.  Students are guided by top celebrities from ABC, NBC, CBS, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon shows. For more information, please see our website, or call (818) 284-6689. “CGTV: We have people on TV and on Movies!”

CGTV Grad Proves Persistence Pays!


CGTV could brag for days and days about the successes our students have seen in TV and FILM because of the CGTV program. Instead, we urge you to review the success stories that we have created from grads and parents alike. Listen to what one mom has to say below.

We had been hearing about CGTV from an acquaintance for years.  Julian has been asking us to get him involved in acting since he was just five years old.  We did not act on it right away, we assumed it was a passing phase and waited for him to move on to his next idea.  But, he didn’t stop bugging me.  He was very persistent and continually asking me to please look into it.  I decided to sign up to receive emails.  My husband and I finally made the decision that we would help Julian pursue his dream.  The next day, CGTV sent out an email stating they were auditioning in LA.  We took this as a sign, and we signed him up.


I didn’t think he was nervous at all, but I was!  He was very excited but I had no idea how to prepare him so we did not prepare at all.  We told him to do his best and hope for the best, but expect the worst.  The last thing we wanted was for our son to get his hopes up only to be crushed by a Disney Star.  We decided that if this was what Julian truly wanted to do, that we would figure out a way to help him succeed.  We later found out that Julian was very nervous and that he had prepared on his own, practicing every chance he got.

When we arrived at the CGTV audition, Julian was very nervous when he saw that he would be auditioning for Hutch Dana, the Disney Star from Zeke & Luther.  Julian did great under pressure and told me that he felt good about his audition no matter how it went. I tried to stay positive for my son, but also tried to prepare him for the potential of not being selected.  Waiting was hard and definitely stressful.

Hutch thought Julian had real star potential and we got that callback.  We were so excited for Julian, we were astonished as parents and made a decision that we would invest in our son.  We have taught our children to follow their dreams and supporting them was never in question.  More importantly, Julian made a commitment to attend the program, do his best and really put his heart into it.  He was super grateful that we were willing to support him.

My favorite part of the program was watching Julian grow.  Every day, he changed, in a good way.  He was hungry for the notes given at the end of each scene and fought hard to improve every second, minute and hour of the day.  While Julian had been on stage for years as a dancer, this LIVE show at the ACME theater was new for him.  We wondered if the Hollywood Agents and Managers in the audience would see what Hutch saw in our Julian.  We desperately tried to prepare ourselves and Julian for if they did not.

Did we get a callback?  We got 4 callbacks the first time we did the All-Star Weekend and another 4 callbacks the second time we went back to CGTV.  Eight callbacks from agents and producers that would have never given us the time of day without the association to Adrian R’Mante and CGTV.  I was totally unprepared and blown away by the interest in my son.


Adrian and his cast of actor trainers helped Julian so much.  So many doors have opened for him and he has learned so much.  Truly, this is the fast track to Hollywood success, IF your child has a natural talent.  This program truly lived up to everything we expected and more!  Adrian truly is there for you…and I don’t know how he does it!!!  The experience is completely priceless. Julian’s life would not have been the same without his CGTV experience.

From the mom of Julian Cardenas