CGTV selects Kaitlyn Evans

CGTV selects

CGTV selects Kaitlyn Evans

We audition in many cities and see thousands of hopeful faces in any given year.  When we saw Tweetybird we knew she had the “it” factor.


CGTV selects

Listen to what Kaitlyn aka “Tweetybird” had to say about CGTV.

“CGTV was the best thing that ever happened to me!  I had wanted to get my feet wet in the entertainment industry but had absolutely no clue where to start.  CGTV picked me out of the crowd and gave my dreams a green light.  The program taught me to push forward and hustle hard if this is your passion.  They taught me to never give up, always work hard and always be prepared.  CGTV has opened doors for me that I would never have been able to find on my own at 18.  With Adrian R’Mante and CGTV, your life and career can blossom like crazy.  I want to thank each and every one of you for the time and attention you gave me that changed my life.”  Kaitlyn

Pro Child Actor reviews CGTV

Pro Child Actor reviews CGTVPro Child Actor reviews CGTV

One of the best things about CGTV is what happens afterward!  We are always so delighted to hear from our program attendees.  We love hearing what they loved about the program and the successes they have achieved since the program.  Jennifer McNichols Sack is one of our favorites. Listen to what Jennifer had to say about working with CGTV.

 Pro Child Actor reviews CGTV

The skills I learned at CGTV helped me stand out during auditions and projects that came my way. They took the “green” talent I had and helped me develop it.  But more importantly, they taught me that education is an important part of being a good actor.  It is something that I still work on today because of what I learned at CGTV.   Because of CGTV, I have an amazing manager and agent and have worked in Hollywood and beyond. I couldn’t have asked for a better dream come true for a 10 years old! Thanks, Adrian R’Mante, and team! – Jennifer McNichols Sack

CGTV Graduate Secures Manager!

CGTV Graduate Secures Manager!

CGTV Graduate Secures Manager!

Even with 1,000+ stories like this, we never get tired of hearing of about our Actor’s successes through the CGTV programs.  When we found Natalie in Texas, we were certain that she had what it took for TV and FILM.  And after she lives audition in Hollywood in front of Managers & Agents, she secured top notch representation and has already booked a few short films.  If you are considering tv or film, please make sure you check and verify the success stories of the people you choose to hire to progress your career.  Don’t take our word for it, listen to our graduates.

CGTV Graduate Secures Manager!

Adrian R’Mante & everyone involved with the CGTV program (Including actors you know from Disney, Nickelodeon, and films)  gives BEYOND the best opportunities any upcoming actor could ever ask for! Adrian found me in Austin, Tx & I was the #1 pick out of 250 other amazingly talented people! I was blessed with the opportunity to come to California & perform at the ACME comedy theater in front of 21 agents & received 6 call backs.  I then picked which I would like to represent me & moved out to California in January 2016. I signed with my management The ESI Network & also did the Pilot Program with Adrian  in the month of February 2016! I’ve learned so much from each program I’ve attended & gained so much insight! Adrian is a true mentor & definitely legitimate! I’ve now booked a few short films in the couple of months that I’ve been here & been able to network immensely! I’m grateful for this journey & process it’s nothing short of AMAZING & It’s only the beginning!” Natalie Nichole

Brother & Sister Score with CGTV!

Brother & Sister Score with CGTV!Brother & Sister Score with CGTV!

It’s a rough day at CGTV when a brother and sister come in together and only one gets a call back from an agent. So when we got this note from mom that two of our favorites from the January 2016 group were doing great, we had to pass it along. The other amazing part of this story is that only one of the siblings came in with a lot of acting experience. The other sibling was able to garner skills and talents during our workshop that she was able to apply on-stage at her theatrical debut to score her a Hollywood agent call-back. This is why we do what we do. We are passionate about developing young talent and then placing them directly in front of real, top Hollywood agencies.Brother & Sister Score with CGTV!
“Bailey has been doing musical theater since he was 6. He loves to act and was wanting to do more with acting but Tucson has very little to offer outside of the musical theater. Bailey was extremely excited to get a chance to audition with CGTV. He really wanted to learn more about acting and TV and film. As a parent wanting to support but also protect him, I was a little skeptical. The presentation about CGTV prior to the audition was thorough. I was pleased to learn that out of about 250-300 kids that auditioned there were only around 31 selected. It was clearly not the everyone gets in the situation. The cost of the camp did not bother me as with any camp there is a fee involved for a service. CGTV exceeded my expectations as a parent. Everything that was explained and promised in the presentation was delivered. Except for one thing; Adrian R’Mante’s presence and passion for the craft, as well as his accessibility. As a parent, I could not be more thankful to see Adrian at camp every day, all day, personally working with the kids and adults. Bailey loved the camp and shined in the showcase with about 15 callbacks out of 25 roughly managers/agents. Since then, Bailey has signed with a great agent and manager has been sent out on auditions for both feature film and TV. Without CGTV and Adrian, these opportunities would not exist. We are extremely thankful.” – Cheryl, Tucson

CGTV Training knows no borders – Norwegian Sisters Succeed!

CGTV Sisters find success!CGTV Sisters find success! CGTV’s graduate,  Kristina Karlsen is a hit in Norway after attending several CGTV Training programs.  Now she is the first billing in a Norwegian feature film.! You can watch her trailer here:  Click Here 

 CGTV Sisters find success!

Her mother credits CGTV & Adrian to her success.  She says that what he did for both her daughters was nothing short of fantastic.   At auditions & while filming, directors and producers are constantly commenting on how professional Kristina is from auditioning to filming.  Mom says that Adrian taught her girls how to shine on and off the set.  The transition from novice to consummate professional was effortless because of what she learned in rehearsal, filming and on stage at CGTV.
CGTV Graduate Scores High School Musical 4 Audition!

CGTV Graduate Scores High School Musical 4 Audition!

FullSizeRenderCGTV Graduate Scores High School Musical 4 Audition!

Currently, one of our graduates is starring in THE POWER RANGERS as the Blue Power Ranger, RJ Cyler who also appeared in a co-starring role in Me, Earl and the Dying Girl after receiving a Hollywood agent from his CGTV Showcase.  And now, we are super proud to announce that another one of our graduates has scored a major film audition after gaining a Hollywood agent at her Showcase.  Natalie Ramos, you have been working so hard and you are getting to reap the rewards of those efforts.  We could not be prouder!  We look forward to following your continued success!  Break-A-Leg with your High School Musical 4 audition!

 CGTV Graduate Scores High School Musical 4 Audition!

“Hi Adrian, this is Natalie Ramos from Naples, Florida. I just wanted to send you a quick email so say that I’m thankful for everything that you’ve done for me. Without you, I wouldn’t have met my amazing agent, Karen Greer❤️ I’ve been working hard with my acting and singing coaches! Im on casting network and actors access. Big news!! This Friday I’m getting a chance to audition for high school musical 4 in Orlando !! I’m beyond excited! I just want to say thank you for helping me in California and then helping me find a great agent!! I hope You and Your  family are doing great! Send lots of love to your baby girl and the new baby that is coming on the way! Talk to you soon, love Nat?

CGTV’s Program is work, not a vacation

One of the parents makes a solid point in the below testimonial.  CGTV’s acting workshops are definitely not a “Vacation”.  Actors that make it to our program are first auditioned in front of the co-owner Adrian who serves as Casting Director, Production Director and Visionary for the entire program.   Of course, he is assisted by other working actors that most of the teens know from Disney and Nickelodeon.  Next, you are cast in a scene with a partner that he believes will help you shine and vice versa.  This takes almost an entire day and an entire night once Adrian goes home to figure out.  Actors are directed to be OFF BOOK as soon as possible with their 2-4 minute scene. Most of the actors take this quite seriously and a few of them need constant re-direction.  When making a decision about CGTV, one needs to ask themselves, will I be able to commit to this seriously?  Parents, who want this more?  You, or them?  It needs to be the child that is aggressively pursuing this, not the parent.  Our adult actors always take this 100% seriously (They made the financial investment in their career)  so we speak directly to the parents of ages 3-17.  Don’t take our word for it.  Listen to what a parent and participant has to say about the program.

Adrian R’Mante is a genuine actor and has the love for all his students that attend his professional workshop in LA. The truth of the matter is, it’s hard work and you are treated like an employee coming into the industry and expectations are high, both for both parents and students. I was lucky enough to actually be there and attend the session with my daughter in Hollywood.

The program is not a vacation. It is hard work and there is a lot to accomplish in one week to perform in front of agents and talent scouts. Now with that being said, one will get the full throttle of what it takes to work a full day and to memorize lines in a fast paced environment. To be real it is what will happen when you audition for directors on the spot. Yes, it is expensive and my advice is if your child is not disciplined enough to do the homework assigned it will be stressful for both parent and child. The dedication to the industry is to keep abreast of what is needed from the actor and to keep them active in workshops and classes independently from the program once you graduate from CGTV’s program.
Also, most auditions take place in LA so the expense is yours to take on after the course is done. It is an investment in your acting career and what you do with afterward is up to you to commit. Your child must want the career (not the parent), so you must carefully assess your child’s seriousness to the business. Adrian and his brother Virgil are genuine people and expect only the best results from their students. With that being said, I wish them all the success in the world and hope that when possible my daughter and I can attend again. Much love CGTV!”

After 3 years of failure, CGTV Delivers me an agent!

CGTV Delivers me an agent!After 3 years of failure, CGTV Delivers me an agent!

Unfortunately, there are many scams in the acting/modeling industry.  It is a common story line as well.  Talent agency needs X amount of $s to “represent” you and then if/when they find you work, take a portion of your earnings.  Unfortunately, you may likely never be hired for anything.  This is how many “Talent Agencies” work.  CGTV is NOT a talent agency.  We do not benefit from the career of our graduates other than the satisfaction of knowing we helped get them there.  We audition all over the country to find RAW talent.  Once we find that raw talent that we think is TV/Film worthy, we offer them to take it to the next level.

CGTV Delivers me an agent!

Raw talent doesn’t teach you how to “Take Your Slate” during an audition.  Raw talent doesn’t put you in front of the right agents that have all the connections to casting.  We train actors on the ins/outs and jargon of the industry, prepare their monologues/scenes to highlight their natural strengths.  And then, we put them live, on stage in front of some of Hollywood’s biggest and best agents and managers.  Typically, about 45% of our actors receive a callback from a Hollywood agent or manager.  The remainder is invited to come back and audition again for FREE at a later date.  Some of these kids and adults have been trying to get in front of Hollywood agents for years with no success.  We bring the talent right to the source.  Don’t trust us, listen to what Seda Aladzhyan had to say about her experience at CGTV.

CGTV Delivers me an agent!

“When I received an email from CGTV to come audition my first reaction was happiness and joy. Telling my dad about kind of got him to think that maybe its a scam due to the fact that we had gone through two scams before like Barbizon and One Source Talent.   Honestly, CGTV was nothing like what I went through with Barbizon they lied about bringing agents and yet they had charged way more than what CGTV was charging and I got almost nothing out of Barbizon.   CGTV was my favorite program.

Of course, my dad questioned them and told them “please tell me this isn’t a scam and that everything you are telling me is true because I am not wasting my money for my daughter to go through another scam.”   Sure enough, after my dad and I went to the orientation and he met Adrian R’Mante and was very pleased and felt safe with me doing the program.

My experience with CGTV was beyond amazing and I wouldn’t change it one bit. On the performance day, my dad saw the agents with his own eyes and was proud of me when I got on the 1st CALL BACK list and got my agent. I was in shock that my dream is coming true after 3 years of looking for a good agent on my own. Till this day, I keep my communication with Adrian R’ Mante and still ask him for help and guidance towards the right route and even go and visit him whenever I can.

CGTV Delivers me an agent!

CGTV is not a scam and I can assure you that what they tell you is true, but you have to work hard for it and have the dedication to achieve your goal, just like I did because hard work, passion, and dedication gets you to achieve the goals you want to achieve. I love you CGTV and thank you to Adrian for all his hard work and passion he has to help kids out so their dreams come true.”

Seda Aladzhyan



Related sites:

Click here to hear from the talent who have taken CGTV!

Is CGTV a scam? 

CGTV Reviews from real people.

Mother and daughter attend CGTV together!

Gia and Jenna_IMG_2346

Mother and daughter attend CGTV together!

 “I am the Social Media Director for CGTV. I am also a mother of a child actor. I did my due diligence on CGTV before I worked for them and before I put my daughter through this program. What I found was that all the negative reviews came from people whom never attended the CGTV workshops or camp. We had about 80 kids presented at ACME Theatre live in Los Angeles this past January 2016. When the list of Hollywood Agents/Managers came out, I saw that about 45% of the people in the workshop were called back by top agencies. In addition, while we were at the camp, we worked with all of the Disney stars that Adrian advertises in his program materials. Actors whom had taken sometimes years to get accepted by an agency. In fact, we found out the Adrian (Esteban of The Suite Life of Zach and Cody) took three years in Hollywood before he was signed with a Hollywood agency. One of the reasons he started this program was to provide a viable way for talent to get in front of agencies that hundreds of thousands of others are also trying to get in front of. Adrian brings them the right to his talent and they come because he keeps producing talent. One thing to note, CGTV is not a talent agency. When one of the CGTV actors gets a huge role in a major motion picture (Like RJ Cyler in The Power Rangers or Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl) neither CGTV nor Adrian benefits financially from this. So the only way they can be paid for the tremendous service they are providing is to have a cost associated with their time/services. It is only a “scam” if they are pretending to be a Talent Agency. CGTV is not a talent agency. It auditions actors to make sure the natural talent is there. In Phoenix, I saw them audition 500 kids and only extend about 45 invitations for callbacks. If they have the talent, they will be offered a spot in one of the workshops. Some of them range in the low thousands and the VIP programs cost more. But the values are commensurate with the packages.   And the prices are clearly listed alongside the services when we speak with these parents personally about how we can help their child and why we think they have the talent.

Mother and daughter attend CGTV together! 

Example: I paid $5,000 for my daughter to attend this VIP session. She attended acting workshops with successful working actors for a week. She worked with Adrian directly over 4-5 times. She shot a professional, commercial grade reel on site at a real studio/set. She received head shots. When we were done, I wondered how he could do so much, for so long, for so little. My advice to him was to raise his price to $10,000. He smiled and said he wanted to keep it accessible to as many people as possible. 

Mother and daughter attend CGTV together!

As the newly appointed social media director, one of the parts of my job is to interview the actors and report their success stories. From Criminal Minds To Disney Shows, To ARROW, to blockbuster films, our kids that had NO HOLLYWOOD experience other than this program are winning big. And I am proud to be a supporter and promoter of this organization 

Mother and daughter attend CGTV together!

I read the bad reviews.  They were from people that had never experienced the service.  Writing negative reviews about a product you have not experience/purchased seems as disingenuous as me reviewing a $10,000 Sony Flatscreen that I never purchased.  Maybe it was worth the 10k, maybe it wasn’t.  But If I didn’t purchase it, I will never know. “

Gia Heller 

Gia Heller

Mom Actress Gia Heller and social media director at CGTV


A Child Actor’s Point of view on CGTV

12118847_1677850622436016_3566059768855426653_nWe asked CGTV Graduates and Parents, to be honest, and give us their opinion on our TV and FILM workshops and training.  This is just one child actor’s review.
“Adrian and the CGTV program have done great things for so many kids including myself. I am glad my parents invested the money they have because I learned a lot with Adrain compared to other workshops I’ve attended. Thank you, Adrian, for making us all feel special and I am so blessed to have made all the friends I have around the country because Iof Adrian’s workshops.
At the end of it all… there are costs involved when doing business nothing is free. Adrian R’Mante doesn’t get to appear all over the country auditioning kids by mere magic. There are expenses. He brings in other experienced actors to help educate the kids, that is not free. No camp or workshop in the industry is free. An actor must invest in themselves as a business entity and that takes money. Headshots, reels, education none of it is free.
(Erin wrote a secondary review in response to a Canadian paper insinuating that CGTV was a scam)
“…when using the word “SCAM” one must truly understand the meaning before accusing one of “running a scam”. CGTV delivers exactly what is promised for a fee… quality education with experienced actors, professional head shots & reels, as well as, exposing the students to legitimate agents & managers in the entertainment industry. Adrian is not a “one hit wonder”, he has a successful career and enjoys sharing his knowledge & expertise with those serious about the industry. Neither Adrian or CGTV guarantees work or auditions he simply provides you the necessary tools to be the best you can be in a very competitive industry all while bringing families together to become lifelong friends & support in an industry that can be difficult.