RJ stars in POWER RANGERS 2017!

CGTV Graduate RJ Cyler stars in POWER RANGERS 2017!This photo features one of our recent graduates, Bailey Axen whom had 10+ Hollywood agents and managers ask him for a call-back.  He stands proudly in front of RJ Cyler, a CGTV Graduate, and Hollywood Star.  He hopes to follow in RJ’s footsteps and even met RJ and was able to perform on the same stage with him at Hollywood’s ACME theater, led by CGTV and The Celebrity Experience’s Adrian R’Mante. CGTV Graduate RJ Cyler stars in POWER RANGERS 2017!

RJ’s current IMDB profile reads as follows; CGTV Graduate RJ Cyler stars in POWER RANGERS 2017!

“RJ Cyler, a native of Jacksonville, Florida, was born Ronald Cyler II, the youngest of three boys. RJ has always been an entertainer in some way or form. At the age of 12, he started a dance team with his older brother. In Jan,2012; RJ heard a commercial for open auditions in the Jacksonville area. RJ was asked to Los Angeles for another acting camp, which at that time RJ’s mentor asked his parents to consider relocating to California in order to support a possible future. Feb 22,2013,the family took a leap of faith; he along with his mother, moved to Los Angeles. Shortly after, his father and one brother also relocated as well. With his family behind him, RJ continues to focus on becoming a better young man, comedian & actor, not easily deterred when life comes at him, he is truly the laugh box of his family and to those who met him.”

The one thing it doesn’t mention is that the acting “camp” was the CGTV Acting Program.  In particular, The Celebrity Experience.  Since we spotted RJ at a local city audition, he has been nominated for awards, taken the part of The Blue Ranger in the upcoming Power Rangers 2017 and scored a meaty role in a new movie with Brad Pitt.
RJ is not alone on our list of achievements.  CGTV Reviews are in and they are astonishing.  Check out actress Bex Taylor-Klaus on IMDB as well;

“Bex Taylor-Klaus was born and raised in Atlanta, GA, a fourth generation Atlantan. She has two passions that she has pursued throughout her life: sports and acting.

An all-around athlete, Bex played on her high school Varsity Softball team as a Freshman (Catcher & 3rd base). Bex’s acting training started with Shakespeare in an after school program in the 3rd grade, and was a consistent part of her extracurricular life and summers. In high school, Bex performed in her school’s Improv Troupe – she loves comedy and Improv – and with friends started a Junior-High Acting Troupe to train young actors. CGTV Graduate RJ Cyler stars in POWER RANGERS 2017!

At 18, Bex moved to LA in the summer of 2012 to begin her acting career while finishing High School. As a series regular in The Killing (2011), Bex’s first official role as an actor is the part of Bullet. Bex writes about playing Bullet, “to be an actor is to want to visit the dark places that humans strive so hard to stay away from.” She is having the time of her life, fulfilling her dreams, and doing the work she loves.

When not working, Bex loves to hang out with her siblings (both real and ‘by choice’).”

If you are considering the acting program at CGTV be prepared for the success that may follow if you put in the work.
CGTV Graduate RJ Cyler stars in POWER RANGERS 2017!

Is CGTV Real? The Proof is in our Results!

Is CGTV real? Parents love to see their kids reach their full potential. We would argue that nearly every parent’s desire is to support their children as they seek to live out their passions. These passions might be in music, sports, academics or other areas of the arts. No matter what they are, parents want to facilitate successful outcomes.

At CGTV we are honored to be a part of this journey for parents whose children are gifted in the dramatic arts. Every year we meet thousands of parents and kids seeking tools to help them hone their craft and move their talents to the next level. One question we hear repeatedly from parents (and kids) is “does your program actually work.” While we whole-heartedly know that our program is successful on its own merits, we believe that it is better to hear a couple stories from the bright and talented kids who have been a part of our program:  

Jenae McFarland 

Jenae attended the CGTV program in June of 2015. In her words, it was one of the “best decisions I have made in my life.” After being professionally packaged, she was able to perform in front of over 15 Hollywood agents. You read that right, she received over 15 callbacks!

MacKenzie Dunne

MacKenzie attending CGTV’s summer programming. After her experience, she was offered work almost immediately. Her biggest role is Shelby on Best Friends Whenever on the Disney Channel. MacKenzie’s parents credit the CGTV program with helping open up the doors to many great opportunities.

These are just two in thousands of success stories from CGTV grads. Part of the reason our graduates realize such great success is that we don’t forget about them once they leave our programs. We are consistent in following through to ensure that they are staying the course to reach their dreams.

So does our program work? The answer is unequivocally, yes! If an actor puts the time and effort into the consistency needed to make it in the entertainment business, the possibilities for future success are endless.  Coupling talented kids with a program that is provides them the tools they need as well best connections in the industry provides another step in the right direction. For more information on how we can help your child reach their full potential in the entertainment industry, visit the CGTV website.

CGTV Graduate Is Sponsored to attend!

CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!In our last blog, you learned about the success of one of our graduates, Zeah. CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!

This is a follow up on her continued success and is surely a great article for anyone scouring the internet for CGTV reviews.

“This (CGTV/TCE/Hollywood)  is definitely a JOURNEY that can be accomplished when ‘the family comes together to support the child actors pursuits” – Zeah’s Mom 


When we returned from TCE, I took 3 days to read Lisa London’s book, “From Start to Stardom” that we purchased at the event.  I took every step in her book and began taking action.  (She has founded many of Hollywood’s finest and hottest celebrities) While waiting for our demo reel to be edited, I created a sponsorship letter to local businesses and organizations to seek out donors to sponsor Zeah’s participation in the program – for simplicity, I will quote some info from the letter so you can see what our mission and purpose was:


“On January 12, 2016, Zeah received an exclusive invitation to attend the CGTV Pilot Program Training in Universal City, California.  This is an elite program offered only once a year, and Zeah is one of 30 children invited to participate in this accelerated, 4 week training program.


We have less than 2 weeks to raise $9,500 for program expenses and travel & housing accommodations, which will allow Zeah onsite private acting training with active, practicing celebrities, auditions for 2016 Pilot Season for Film & Television in Hollywood, California, exposure and opportunities with more industry professionals, and more.


We are considering creative ways to raise funds for this exclusive opportunity for our daughter. If you, or any organization or company you know, are willing to sponsor Zeah’s next step in her personal & career development, she will in exchange, create a unique promotion or commercial for your organization and/or company.

Here is the general website of CGTV for your information and reference: https://cgtv.la


Mahalo for your consideration to help Zeah Live Her Dreams”  to be on TV and to be an inspiration for keiki here in Hawaii, and around the world.”


As a result, Zeah received some donations, as well as one offer of sponsorship – which created the opportunity for her to work on her first paid commercial project.  She was assigned to write, produce, and film a commercial for Dr. Aki Oshita, Gonstead Chiropractor and owner of Cornerstone Community Chiropractic.  Here’s the final product that Dr. Aki used on his Facebook page to promote his practice, and Zeah’s passion for acting.


While we did not meet the fundraising goal to return to LA for CGTV Pilot Program in February 2016 it did not shake Zeah.  Rather, it refocused her and her determination increased.  The program had PREPARED her for rejection.


Toward the end of February we received the TCE demo reels recorded at Universals Sound Studio so I was able to submit Zeah’s complete package to our local talent agencies.  I submitted her package to 4 agencies, 2 of which were SAG-AFTRA franchised.  Both SAG-AFTRA franchise agencies replied to schedule a meeting with us to meet Zeah and to go over their expectations as an agency.  Following meeting with ADR Agency, they were interested in representing her.  After researching the 2 SAG-AFTRA franchised companies in Hawaii, and meeting personally with Talent Agent Ryan Brown, Zeah signed with ADR Agency. CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!


That same week, prior to signing with ADR, we self submitted to Hawaii Actors Network (HAN) for the lead role in “Yes Mama”.  This was Zeah’s first audition in our local market place and she used the skills she learned from TCE and Adrian’s CGTV training videos to prepare for this audition.  Additionally, I recorded one of Zeah’s rehearsals and sent it to Adrian for his feedback.  He offered some suggestions for improvement, Zeah made the adjustments, and she did an amazing job at her audition.  The first audition resulted in a callback and a second audition which eventually lead to Zeah being offered the lead role of “Millie” in the Hawaii Student Short Film Project, “Yes Mama”.  The Director envisions this film in 2017 film festivals – we are really excited for that and pray that things line up. CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!


Prior to filming, we had 2 weeks of rehearsals which was a very interesting and a great learning experience for our entire family.  Filming took 4 days and it was an amazing experience for Zeah.  As parents, we literally watched our daughter mature over the two weeks of filming.  Her commitment to the project was amazing (for lack of a better term).  This was a student film so there was only one camera, one sound person, and they filmed on location – which resulted in many many many retakes because of sound quality and/or noise from the environment (ambulances, planes, dogs barking, neighbors talking….hahahaha…you catch my drift). On the final day, as we left location – and the last day was a very long day, I asked Zeah how she felt.  To my surprise, she responded with “I LOVE ACTING!!!  WHEN CAN I DO ANOTHER MOVIE???”  I expected her to tell me it was too much work, or it was too hard, or something to that effect – but her response demonstrated that acting is truly her passion and that the amount of work that is required to complete a project will not stop her from reaching beyond the stars. CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!


In April 2016, Zeah was formally invited by BNI KOA Chapter in Ewa Beach, Hawaii to be their ‘youngest entrepreneur’.  Zeah attended their new member orientation and instantly connected with many businessmen and businesswomen there.  She shared a 20 second overview of who she is and her goals and aspirations in life.  The members were very supportive and impressed by her poise and ability to know what she wants and to go after it at such a young age.  Zeah intends on joining the BNI KOA Chapter as soon as she can create opportunities to pay for her annual membership.


In June 2016, Dr. Aki at Cornerstone Community Chiropractic offered Zeah another paid project opportunity – to create an educational video teaching about Gonstead Chiropractic Care and the correlation of proper adjustments, appropriate home care, and overall health.  Rather than it being an advertisement for his practice, he wants Zeah to create this video to teach about Gonstead Chiropractic Care as a whole to share with his colleagues and the Gonstead Community.  Zeah accepted this opportunity and we are hoping to complete this project by the end of the year.  She has to do extensive research before she can write and produce this project.


Following Zeah’s participation with CGTV summer program 2016, we made a family decision to follow up with callbacks and book appointments with the Agents and Managers who showed interest in representing Zeah.  We knew that a lot of sacrifice and much transition was necessary in order to take the next BIG step in Zeah’s pursuits so we hosted a “Zeah’s Journey To The Big Screen” fundraiser in August 2016.  This fundraiser was a great success and gave us an edge to commit to returning to LA for 3-4 months.  On September 1, 2016 we brought Zeah to LA and are currently learning, experiencing, auditioning, building networks, attending classes, making friends, acclimating to the “home away from home” that we are creating for Zeah.  It’s definitely a JOURNEY and we are so grateful to have the opportunities, network, and support we have gained through our participation with TCE and CGTV!!!  Our family has grown so much over the past year because of our TCE ohana & CGTV ohana!!! CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!


Zeah is truly a blessing and has aspirations to become a celebrity so that she may inspire kids in her community, our beautiful state of Hawaii, and beyond.  Her motto is “Be Grateful Everyday, Love God, Be Kind To Others”  –  she truly wants that message to circle the world. CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!


CGTV Grad Is Sponsored to attend!

CGTV’s Zeah Kaapana-Bates Sores Big!

 CGTV Reviews are in!

Zeah Kaapana-Bates

CGTV hosts auditions in cities around the globe and the CGTV reviews coming in from our child and young adult actors are nothing short of amazing.  One of the cities we routinely visit is Honolulu, Hawaii.  This is exactly where we found one of the brightest stars to graduate CGTV and The Celebrity Experience.


Zeah’s aunt heard an audition for CGTV and The Celebrity Experience on the radio in Honolulu.  Her aunt sent her mother the recording and urged her to take her daughter to this audition.

Zeah was nervous and excited to meet and audition for one of her favorite Disney stars, Adrian R’Mante, Esteban, from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.  She says that Adrian made her instantly comfortable and she knew that she did her best and it was all she could do.  She wasn’t sure if she would get a call back, but she knew that she could not have done any better, so she was proud of her efforts.


When Zeah found out she was indeed called back to be a part of Adrian’s program, she was screaming and excited beyond belief.  Her parents were excited but they wanted to wait to see what it was all about before making a final decision.  They were excited to hear what Adrian had to say at the callback orientation.


As parents, they decided to invest in Adrian’s program because they believed in his mission and vision. Zeah’s parents knew that his program included a training curriculum that would support their daughters aspirations of becoming an actor. They could see that the training would also contribute to their daughters development as a life long learner, individual, and contributing member of our community and world.


We asked Zeah what her favorite part about CGTV’s acting program was.  She replied,

“I loved meeting and training with all the Celebrities, playing all the improv games, and I was really excited when we got to meet and talk to Debby Ryan who played Jessie!”.

When we asked Zeah’s parents what they loved best about CGTV they replied as follows, “As parents, we appreciated the experiences, skills, training, networking, and performance opportunities (Showcase, Universal Sound Studio Scene Recording with a Celebrity, LIVE performance and the ACME theatre in Hollywood) with TCE & CGTV. We greatly appreciated the parent workshops/Q&A sessions because it gave us great insights to the industry and the profession of acting. The professionals that Adrian invited to speak to us were well accomplished professionals who were honest and transparent with us. Lisa London, Joey Paul Jensen, and Philip Marcus came from different perspectives with a vast amount of experience.”

Zeah was pretty nervous about performing LIVE at the ACME theatre in front of the Hollywood agents and Hollywood managers, but with the help of Adrian, her scene partner and a week’s worth of intensive coaching, she nailed it.  Even mom could not spare a tear that evening.  She had never been so proud and she realized there were going to be many more successes to come in Zeah’s future.


Zeah received one callback from a Manager during The Celebrity Experience.  Then,  at CGTV, she received two callbacks from Agents and two callbacks from Managers.   Lisa London said that her performance showed that she is ready to book jobs!  Coming from the casting director that found Miley Cyrus, Jennifer Anniston and more, this was a huge nod that we were in the right place with the right people.

CGTV Reviews are in!

When asked what the #1 thing she learned from Adrian she replied, “eye contact”.

Zeah’s mom asked if she could add some final words to this story, and they are so beautiful we decided to include them.

“As a family, Adrian has done countless things for us. If I had to choose just ONE thing to highlight, the #1 thing that Adrian has done for us is to stay true to his word. From the first day we met, Adrian committed to our daughter and her aspirations of becoming a successful actor. He committed to being available and a part of our journey through each step, and he has DELIVERED beyond what we could’ve ever expected. Adrian is committed to being honest and transparent throughout each step and continues to provide us and our daughter with mentorship and guidance even after the program is complete. I would recommend them to anyone with serious Hollywood dreams.  It is a place where you will discover what it takes and if you HAVE what it takes.  This is definitely a JOURNEY that can be accomplished when ‘the family comes together to support the child actors pursuits’:  – Zeah’s Mom

Artist: Zeah Kaapana-Bates

CGTV Reviews are in!

Is it your dream to work with Adrian R’Mante?

Adrian R'Mante

Adrian R’Mante and CGTV partners with many local talent agencies to provide auditions in a variety of cities, globally, year round.  The below review is from an actress that found us through one of these local agencies.  If you are a talent agency interested in bringing Adrian R’Mante and The CGTV Celebrity Experience to your talented youth, please, call our Director of Marketing, Gia Heller at 480-258-1392. The following is a blog story created from an interview with Kiara Carrion.

Kiara Carrion

My name is Kiara Carrion and I heard about CGTV from a local agency in my town.  I was nervous for my audition and worst of all, I did not prepare in advance.  I suppose the thing that made me MOST nervous about my audition was knowing that it would be in front of my Disney hero, Adrian R’Mante, aka Esteban from the Suite Life of Zack & Cody.  I have to admit, it was a little bit intimidating but, also very exciting!

When I walked into the room, I brought my fear with me.  But Adrian was very quick to put an immediate end to that!  He was SO nice, so friendly and let me know that there was no need to be nervous.  He had me feeling comfortable immediately.  I was grateful, certainly not what I was expecting from a star I had watched for years on TV.
I thought I did pretty ok at the audition, but I was still unsure if I was good enough.  So, the wait to hear if I was going to get a callback was very stressful.  I got called back!   I was thrilled, I think my parents were shocked!  Haha!  The room was PACKED with other kids and I was shocked to see that I had made it into a small group that were invited to join the VIP experience in Hollywood.  Knowing the experience would end with me on stage in front of Hollywood managers and Hollywood agents was even more nerve wracking than the original audition!
We had heard SO many great things about the program and recognizable stars like RJ Cyler (Me, Earl and The Dying Girl, PowerRangers 2017, War Machines) and Bex Taylor Klaus (MTV’s Scream and Arrow) were giving heartfelt testimonials that CGTV took them straight to the top of Hollywood!  Because of these reasons, we decided to invest in the training, it was an easy decision.
My favorite part about the training was being coached by the stars I grew up knowing on Disney, you see, in addition to Adrian, the team is FILLED with highly recognizable Disney Stars!  And of course, my MOST favorite part were the results of my live performance at the showcase.  Not one, but EIGHT Hollywood agents requested a meeting with me.  In fact, Adrian had even taught us the tools of WHAT to look for in an agent and HOW to act when we got to our callback appointment.  Of course, we also had our video reels and pro head-shots complete with resume to give to our new pursuers!  It was a turn-key staircase to Hollywood.  IF you had the talent and even more importantly the drive and commitment to see it through all the rejections.
Even if they had NOT picked me, this program was WORTH its weight in gold in terms of the training.  I now have the tools I need to continue in my career, which is taking off!  I highly recommend this program to anyone with Hollywood dreams.  It is the real deal, there is a ton of training, information, head-shots, exposure and qualified staff.  By qualified I mean they are already highly successful working actors.  Thank you to my parents for investing in me and thank you to Adrian and CGTV for delivering so much more than you promised.
Adrian R’Mante

CGTV Reviews are in

CGTV Reviews are in!CGTV Reviews are in!


When we heard about the CGTV auditions in our city, we were super excited and super nervous all at once. Jacob was very nervous. It was always a dream, but did he really have what it took to impress the Disney Celebrity judge? CGTV Reviews are in!


When we heard about the CGTV auditions in our city, we were super excited and super nervous all at once. Jacob was very nervous. It was always a dream, but did h

We told him that the most important thing was that he did his very best. We were honest with him about expectations and let him know there was a potential that he would not be selected. Of course, we were all relieved and thrilled when he got a very enthusiastic two thumbs up from his audition!

We were then offered a spot in the acting program at CGTV/The Celebrity Experience. At first, we were quite hesitant about the investment involved. First of all, we knew nothing of the program. We did not know if it was a credible, legitimate acting program so we decided to do our due diligence and research. After researching and reading many success stories, we decided that we would indeed make the investment into Jacob’s dream. From then on, we had zero expectations that at worst case, the program would increase his self-esteem. CGTV Reviews are in!

When we heard about the CGTV auditions in our city, we were super excited and super nervous all at once. Jacob was very nervous. It was always a dream, but did h

We NEVER imagined that Jacob would achieve the results that he did. After spending time training with many celebrity Disney stars on the art of auditioning and training for his scene for the ACME showcase, my son evolved into a TV and film ready actor. Jacob received 17 callbacks from agents and managers alike. He also received an award for the BEST monologue!
In addition to training with Adrian R’Mante and his cast of celebrity coaches, we had the good fortune of meeting Joey Paul Jensen at the awards banquet and have been receiving guidance/training from her ever since.  
We chose his agent and manager based on referrals. Neither of them were present during that event. I can definitely understand why some would try to say it is a scam… especially if their child did not receive any callbacks. To me, this is precisely why it is NOT a scam. In my opinion, if you are realistic with your child’s abilities and if you go in with no expectations except for the most amazing experience of a lifetime, then you will not be disappointed.  Some of you that expect agent call backs will not receive them and some of us whom had no expectations will receive the shock of a lifetime to find out that Hollywood wants YOUR kid.
Jacob met some pretty amazing people and made some great lifelong friendships (our entire family did). He met some awesome celebrities that were so gracious and kind! We have NO idea what the future holds for him but we do know this: Jacob has, quite possibly, already had the biggest audition of his lifetime and this NEVER would have been possible without CGTV and The Celebrity Experience!! He is extremely grateful and knows he is blessed to have this opportunity. Thank you!

CGTV Reviews are in!


Auditioning Tip 1 making impression on casting director

 Auditioning Tip 1

Auditioning Tip 1 from CGTV

Over the course of the next few months, we are going to be releasing tips that will help you at your audition with CGTV Hollywood and in the future with Hollywood casting directors and agents.   In acting, it is typical that your learning is commensurate with your earning.  So start studying.

Auditioning Tip 1

The casting director is going to have many people put in front of him/her that all basically look the same or very similar.  Sure your skills are something they look for, but more importantly, they are seeking great personalities that are easy to work with.  Think of your audition as a job interview.  You want to leave the best possible impression so that you will get a chance to a second interview to secure the job.  However, it is not a social club.  You don’t want to be over the top personal with the casting agents.  Be yourself, smile warmly and don’t be afraid to make eye contact.  If they enjoy being around you, that is a good indicator the director of the show, commercial or movie will also enjoy working with you.

One Mom’s Point Of View

I was a cynical mom! But, I would up not only sending my daughter, but myself as well. But, before I tell you more about the program itself, I want to point out that CGTV found Bex Taylor Klaus (Arrow, MTV's Scream & many more) See her IMDB here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4545813/ I text with her and she 100% testifies that without CGTV she would be nowhere. And I also want to point out RJ Cyler (Me, Earl and the Dying Girl, Power Rangers) who I had the pleasure of spending a week in January with. He comes back to the program to give back, because he credits Adrian and CGTV with getting him prepared and in front of agents. He is now one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood and was nominated for the Critic's Choice Award. See his IMDB here: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5518972/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 During the program the kids all audition again for Adrian in person. This takes hours, but it reminds him what their talent is and helps him select a scene partner that will make both partners shine. He does all of this himself. Even though there is a large staff, the important production, casting, directing and final decisions are all made by Adrian. From day 1 of the event through the end, you will watch him work from morning till night, then go home with hours of work to do to get everyone organized and on track. The week I was there he did this with over 75 students. It was insane to watch how perfectly orchestrated it is. When you are not in the room with Adrian, you are in workshops with STARS from your favorite shows. But more than stars, they are consulate professional actors that know the ins and outs of Hollywood and want to save your kid the strife of learning from the ground up, the hard way. The actors shown on your brochure are not just photo and a smile, they work with our students to teach them everything from how to take your mark, how to audition, what will separate your audition from everyone else, the motivation behind your monologue/scene, improv and so much more. Then, on the final night we auditioned in front of Hollywood Agents & Managers. I would say that about 40% of the students received call backs from Hollywood Managers and Agents. My husband was in the crowd and he estimated around 35 -40 agents from recognizable firms. I personally got a "nod" from Lisa London who founded Mark Ruffalo, cast Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana and thousands of other stars. Many of my friends and children of my friends are currently working with agents and have auditioned for leading roles on pilots. I am sorry, but there is no where else that I know of that has this kind of success rate. Adrian is a FABULOUS actor and it took him 3 YEARS to find an agent. Agents are not very interested in people on the streets. You get to agents through connections. Adrian is a trusted actor and program owner in Hollywood so he gets all the best agents in town at his shows because they know he trains and delivers ONLY talent Out of the 300 people that auditioned in Phoenix, I know for a fact that only 60 kids made it past the audition. So they are HIGHLY selective in whom they bring into the program because it is his reputation on the line with the agents every time. For them to keep coming back for years, is only the result of Adrian's hard work at ensuring there will always be fresh, new talent at these events. Lastly, my daughter and I were scene partners and we were able to perform on an actual TV set with Adrian directing and have professional commercial reels and headshots that can be delivered to agencies and applied directly for roles. So from one cynical mom to another, I personally rest my reputation on CGTV and Adrian R'Mante.One Mom’s Point Of View

I was a cynical mom!  But, I would up not only sending my daughter but myself as well.

But, before I tell you more about the program itself, I want to point out that CGTV found Bex Taylor-Klaus (Arrow, MTV’s Scream & much more) See her IMDB here:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4545813/  I text with her and her 100% testifies that without CGTV she would be nowhere. One Mom’s Point Of View
And I also want to point out RJ Cyler (Me, Earl and the Dying Girl, Power Rangers) who I had the pleasure of spending a week in January with.  He comes back to the program to give back because he credits Adrian and CGTV with getting him prepared and in front of agents.  He is now one of the hottest young actors in Hollywood and was nominated for the Critic’s Choice Award.  See his IMDB here:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5518972/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
During the program the kids all audition again for Adrian in person.  This takes hours, but it reminds him what their talent is and helps him select a scene partner that will make both partners shine.  He does all of this himself.  Even though there is a large staff, the important production, casting, directing and final decisions are all made by Adrian.  From day 1 of the event through the end, you will watch him work from morning till night, then go home with hours of work to do to get everyone organized and on track.  The week I was there he did this with over 75 students.  It was insane to watch how perfectly orchestrated it is.  When you are not in the room with Adrian, you are in workshops with STARS from your favorite shows.  But more than stars, they are consulate professional actors that know the ins and outs of Hollywood and want to save your kid the strife of learning from the ground up, the hard way. The actors shown in your brochure are not just photo and a smile, they work with our students to teach them everything from how to take your mark, how to audition, what will separate your audition from everyone else, the motivation behind your monolog/scene, improv and so much more. One Mom’s Point Of View
Then, on the final night, we auditioned in front of Hollywood Agents & Managers.  I would say that about 40% of the students received call backs from Hollywood Managers and Agents.  My husband was in the crowd and he estimated around 35 -40 agents from recognizable firms.  I personally got a “nod” from Lisa London who founded Mark Ruffalo, cast Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana and thousands of other stars.  Many of my friends and children of my friends are currently working with agents and have auditioned for leading roles on pilots.  I am sorry, but there is nowhere else that I know of that has this kind of success rate.  Adrian is a FABULOUS actor and it took him 3 YEARS to find an agent.  Agents are not very interested in people on the streets.  You get to agents through connections.  Adrian is a trusted actor and program owner in Hollywood so he gets all the best agents in town at his shows because they know he trains and delivers the ONLY talent
Out of the 300 people that auditioned in Phoenix, I know for a fact that only 60 kids made it past the audition.  So they are HIGHLY selective in whom they bring into the program because it is his reputation on the line with the agents every time.  For them to keep coming back for years, is only the result of Adrian’s hard work at ensuring there will always be fresh, new talent at these events.  Lastly, my daughter and I were scene partners and we were able to perform on an actual TV set with Adrian directing and have professional commercial reels and headshots that can be delivered to agencies and applied directly for roles.

 One Mom’s Point Of View

So from one cynical mom to another, I personally rest my reputation on CGTV and Adrian R’Mante.

CGTV Builds confidence & Delivers Agents

CGTV Builds confidence & Delivers Agents

CGTV Builds confidence & Delivers Agents

We just received another note from a student that participated in one of our programs.  We love this kid.  When he first came in he was a bit shy but by the end of the program, most of his teachers were saying “I will bet my next Hollywood paycheck that agents are going to want you” and boy was they right.  Colin Huang took our coaching and hit the ACME stage live in front of 30+ Hollywood agents and managers.  Here what he has to say about CGTV Hollywood below. CGTV Builds confidence & Delivers Agents

“I took the program this past winter and I can say from the bottom of my heart that I am so grateful to Adrian for providing this experience. I literally can’t understand why people that have not been through the program would say the program is a scam because if you took the program, you would know that it’s not.  It is amazing how much effort Adrian and all of the actors there put into making the program what it is. After taking the program I’ve gotten multiple callbacks from agents that wouldn’t even look twice at me if it weren’t for Adrian and all that he’s done for me. CGTV is without a doubt something that I’ll never forget, and my only regret is not finding out about it sooner.”  Colin Huang

CGTV’S VIP Acting Program leaves you Hollywood Ready

CGTV'S VIP Acting Program

While there are several programs to choose from at CGTV, the one that leaves you Hollywood ready is the VIP experience.  Not only do you get coaching and training from Adrian R’Mante, the iconic character Esteban on the Suite Life of Zack and Cody, but you also walk away with professional headshots and a professional shot TV reel on a real set.

CGTV’S VIP Acting Program leaves you Hollywood Ready 

The reason these things are so important is that any agent in Hollywood is going to require you to have those.  All of our students at the end of their program are entitled to perform and audition in front of our Hollywood Industry Agents.  If you get a “Callback”, these agents are going to want a reel, professional head-shots and to meet with you in person.  CGTV sets up kids and young adults for Hollywood success from the start.
To learn more about our successes, read more of our blogs at https://CGTV.LA/Blog