With over 1,000 case studies of getting actors call backs from agents and managers, we know we are good at actor training, preparation and can deliver top industry agencies. But, we are just as proud of our intangible benefits as well. Listen to a few from one of our favorite students, Trina “VB”.
CGTV Delivered
“I just want to say that Adrian R’Mante is amazing. He could have hired someone to do all of the things that he did himself, but he didn’t. He took the time to run the entire program, (alongside his talented and mostly super famous staff) worked with each one of us (there were 75 in my class!) individually and help us all become the very best we can be. He put so much time, effort and faith in me that he made me want to be the very best I could! He picked a great scene and the perfect partners for me. I met so many amazingly talented people and I miss them so much. Not only is CGTV legitimate but Adrian R’Mante is AMAZING. He equipped me with so much more than headshots, he gave me the chance to show my talents to agents and shot a professional demo reel on a TV set with me that I will be able to use for auditions and agencies. Besides all of that, maybe the most important thing, is that he helped me break out of my shell. He also taught me to embrace the good and to change the bad. Not get rid of the bad, but change them to be used for something good. Adrian really knows his stuff. I am so grateful I met him and got to know and work with him. I am so much more confident now than before I attended this program. Look out world, I’m coming and the biggest reason is because Adrian equipped me to do so.” Trina VB
https://cgtv.la/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/1621956_1515894272037634_1145469625590962998_n.jpg957960R'Mantehttps://cgtv.la/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CGTV-Logo-300x106.pngR'Mante2016-07-20 09:00:272016-08-04 16:39:17CGTV Delivered SO much more than they promised!