CGTV is the real deal and Adrian R’Mante is my mentor!

CGTV is the real dealCGTV is the real deal and Adrian R’Mante is my mentor!


Acting is only a representation of life.  So when we work with actors, we try to remember that we are working with human beings, not just a professional or actor.  Especially when it comes to the young adults we help shape and mentor.  We do our best to provide a safe and challenging environment where the kids can expand into their passion under the guidance of experienced industry experts.  So it’s always great when we hear from a recent grad that we delivered this experience for him.

CGTV is the real deal

“Adrian R’Mante and my CGTV family are amazing and my experience has taught me how to prepare myself as an actor.  My peers were a huge part of this for me.  And by the end of the program, I had become friends with Adrian, his staff, his family and the other kids and adults that were participating in the program.  I learned so much in terms of skills, but more so, I learned how to be prepared for this industry and my auditions. Adrian is always truthful and will do anything to get you to that next level.  I have seen some negative comments on Facebook about CGTV, but they are not from anyone that has actually participated in the program.  CGTV is the real deal and Adrian delivers more than he promises.  I am proud to call him my director, my brother and my mentor.  Even though I graduated, we stay in touch and I can count on him for advice.”  Jacob Arriola

Gia learns to trust herself & her CGTV Choices!

CGTV Choices

Gia learns to trust herself & her CGTV Choices!

An actor has to make SO many choices when auditioning or performing.  These choices can be daunting to an adolescent just learning about themselves.  One of the things that we like to do at CGTV is teach a young actor how to use his or her intuition to guide the process.  So, we were thrilled to receive this thank you note from Gia Benso.

“CGTV was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  Because of CGTV, which includes Adrian and all of his staff, I now know how to believe in myself and TRUST my choices.  Because I believe in me, I show up with confidence and trust the choices I have made.   Subsequently, so do others including agents and casting directors.  At CGTV I d

Choices at CGTV

efinitely learned the basics that led me to where I am now.  And because of Adrian, I know that the basics are great but its what you DO with them that really matters when you leave CGTV.”  Gianna aka Gia Benso

CGTV Choices

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CGTV Reviews from real people.

A professional Actor’s view on CGTV & Adrian R’Mante

A professional Actor’s view on CGTV & Adrian R’Mante


It is always a great litmus test to see what true industry professionals think about our program.  And Tommy J. Mueller ( ) is a seasoned professional with 10+ years of experience in the film and television industry.  Listen to what he has to say about CGTV & Adrian R’Mante.

 CGTV & Adrian R’Mante

“I have worked within the film and television industry for 10 years now in Canada and have landed numerous roles.  I have now achieved my full Union Aftra status and SAG eligibility.  I have known Adrian for 9 years and he is without a doubt, one of the most dedicated individuals I have ever met.  He loves his work and in my eyes is a true actor’s actor.  He cares about his talented students and works tremendously hard to get them the opportunities they deserve!  I have been fortunate to have landed a principal roe on a successful multi award winning television series as a principal character for 5 seasons.  Not only has my training been successful, but I will continue my training with CGTV!  Adrian is a professional actor who made his mark on this industry through hard work, dedication and an impecable work ethic.  He is transparent and makes friends easily because of that.  He is trustworthy and it has been nothing but a great honor to have him as a friend.  CGTV is the most unique and highly motivating program for any actor regardless of their level.  I stand by CGTV and it will put you on the right path to success.  Thank you so much CGTV and Adrian R’Mante
CGTV & Adrian R’Mante ‘will put you on the right path to success.’ Tommy J. Mueller

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Click here to hear from the talent who have taken CGTV!

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CGTV Reviews from real people.

CGTV Delivered SO much more than they promised!

1621956_1515894272037634_1145469625590962998_nCGTV Delivered SO much more than they promised!

With over 1,000 case studies of getting actors call backs from agents and managers, we know we are good at actor training, preparation and can deliver top industry agencies.  But, we are just as proud of our intangible benefits as well.  Listen to a few from one of our favorite students, Trina “VB”.

 CGTV Delivered
“I just want to say that Adrian R’Mante is amazing.  He could have hired someone to do all of the things that he did himself, but he didn’t.  He took the time to run the entire program, (alongside his talented and mostly super famous staff) worked with each one of us (there were 75 in my class!) individually and help us all become the very best we can be.  He put so much time, effort and faith in me that he made me want to be the very best I could!  He picked a great scene and the perfect partners for me.  I met so many amazingly talented people and I miss them so much.  Not only is CGTV legitimate but Adrian R’Mante is AMAZING.  He equipped me with so much more than headshots, he gave me the chance to show my talents to agents and shot a professional demo reel on a TV set with me that I will be able to use for auditions and agencies.  Besides all of that, maybe the most important thing, is that he helped me break out of my shell.  He also taught me to embrace the good and to change the bad.  Not get rid of the bad, but change them to be used for something good.  Adrian really knows his stuff.  I am so grateful I met him and got to know and work with him.  I am so much more confident now than before I attended this program.  Look out world, I’m coming and the biggest reason is because Adrian equipped me to do so.”  Trina VB

Related sites:

Click here to hear from the talent who have taken CGTV!

Is CGTV a scam? 

CGTV Reviews from real people.

CGTV Inspiring young talent!

FILMAdrian R’Mante is no stranger to him & CGTV inspiring young adults.  Before he inspired Zack & Cody on set, he was inspiring children in the classroom, as an English teacher.

Since day one of his professional career, Adrian’s main focus is CGTV inspiring the next generation.  Now, that he has a successful acting career being a leader to the new generation is still a priority for him, one that he fulfills with his CGTV program.  Don’t take our word for it, listen to what Kaysha Stack has to say about our program.

“I was inspired to pursue my dream which I was convinced was unachievable and unrealistic.  That inspiration led me to be associated with CGTV for the past three years.  This year at only 18 years old, I am moving to Vancouver to attend the Vancouver Film School.  Adrian R’Mante and CGTV helped me discover my true self and they motivated me with their belief in my abilities!  The greatest thing I learned from Adrian and CGTV is that I can do anything I dedicate myself to.  They saw my true passion for performing and I am grateful for every minute of time he has spent with me both inside and outside of the classroom.  I have so much love for everyone that is a part of CGTV, you have changed my life, thank you so much!”  Kaysha Stack

CGTV Review & Grads New iTunes Release!


Another amazing CGTV Review!

CGTV loves when someone has talents in addition to acting.  In fact, many of our students and graduates are singers and/or musicians.  Hollywood is looking for the triple talent of acting, singing and dance and it is difficult to find someone that has all of these qualities.

CGTV Review!

Breanna Moreno is a CGTV grad and up and coming Country Artist.  Check out her new song on iTunes “Fix Herself”.  Click here:

If you are an actor whom sings, please, let us know at your auditions and when you attend our program.  We can be certain to make sure we highlight that skill in your scene so casting directors and Hollywood agents know all of the skills in your toolbox.

Listen to what Breanna had to say about her CGTV experience!

“My favorite part of CGTV was the improv classes and getting to work with so many people from around the world. It has helped me be more confident in myself and how to choose pieces best suited for me. Working with Adrian was great. He is a great teacher and very patient with his students. It was awesome getting to learn from him. His adrainisms have still stuck with me.  Thanks CGTV!”

CGTV Reviews
Another amazing CGTV Review!

CGTV reviews are in, and they are stellar.   Schedule your audition in a city near you by registering at https://CGTV.LA/Register

Related sites:

Click here to hear from the talent who have taken CGTV!

Is CGTV a scam? 

CGTV Reviews from real people.

CGTV Grad works with Petsmart & Netflix

Kims Headshot_2014-06-15-16-34-28_1_1

CGTV grad fulfills her dream.We love continuing a relationship with our CGTV grad and grads after they leave our program and hearing about how they are putting their training to use in their careers.  This is one mom’s thank you note to CGTV  for helping her daughter Kim’s dreams come true.



Two years ago we took our daughter to an audition for CGTV. Immediately,  she was excited to be part of this amazing journey.  That next summer in 2014,  we all decided to take off to California and make it a family trip.   All of our family and the other families met with Adrian and his staff, he answered all our questions and told us there and then that this was not a Job opportunity, that this was a class for all the actors to perfect their art and that during the show case there would be Casting representatives from various agencies. No guarantee of work or casting was ever promised and that was clear with everyone there.  But what we would be given, was an opportunity to shine in front of these select agents and managers.  

My daughter was very happy that she attended, not only did she make new friends but she was taught by Adrian himself and the all of his staff (famous Disney actors) on a one on one level.  She learned all the techniques that she could put to use and how to perfect them including how to act in a casting call.  

Since then my daughter has been focusing on school as she is graduating this year and  has been working here in Arizona.   She has done some student films, commercial, work as an extra for Federal credit Union Bank with Cardinal ex QB Kurt Warner and and has also done print for PetSmart.  She recently got called to work for the Netflix show ‘the Get Down”.  She learned so much and has been able to put all that she learned to work for her.  Thank you to Adrian R’Mante and his entire staff at CGTV.  

Grad FaceTimes Adrian Real Time

This is just one more scenario where Adrian R’Mante goes above and beyond a contractual relationship with a student to provide support, nurture and coaching in a highly tense situation.  You are going to love this families thank you to CGTV, we sure did.  CGTV is committed to the success of their actors long after they graduate.

“Hello CGTV Family!

I wanted to share with you how much my son and I have benefited from Adrian R’Mante and CGTV. From the very first day of meeting Adrian R’Mante he has put us at ease: from the audition process, to prep for the week-long program to the wrap up afterwards. Adrian has ALWAYS been a phone call away for my son, Brent, and I. As Brent went through the program, I saw him develop immensely. He learned so much from the acting tips, how to improve his audition techniques and scene development. The Showcase was amazing for Brent. I saw him grow leaps and bounds and this was clearly demonstrated during the evening of the showcase. He received callbacks and will have the opportunity of working with a fantastic manager in LA when he is ready.

When he returned to Canada he received many auditions for national T.V. and film projects. I remember a time when he was so confused about how to bring a character to life and called Adrian. Adrian actually pulled his car to the side of the road and did a Facetime audition prep  with Brent.

I have personally seen Adrian in different scenarios and I can honestly say that what you see and what you hear is what you get. He delivers and stands behind his word. He is passionate and will continue to work hard until you or your child reaches the goal!
As a parent, I have full access to Adrian whenever I need it. Adrian provided a parents program while my son, Brent, was in the program taking his workshops and prepping for the showcase event. The 3-day parent event was to help the parents feel at ease (and see some attractions) while their child was given the incredible opportunity to focus on the teaching for the week. Adrian always has time for any questions that parents might have and takes this part of the business very seriously. He knows what he is talking about since he has been in the industry for many years.
To put your mind at ease, I want you to feel with full confidence that Adrian R’Mante has your child’s future and best interest in mind. He truly is a man of his word and what you see in this amazing instructor is what you will get out of the experience. Wishing you a long and successful career!

CGTV Program Puts my child first

CGTV Program


“The CGTV program invest time, resources, and efforts to allow talent a place to allow Art to the be the performance.”  

Sure, a lot of people brag about how amazing the CGTV acting programs are.  But, what we find most exciting is the commitment that exists long AFTER the program is over.  Most CEOs and company owners keep an arms length from their students, especially once the program has been completed.  But, not at CGTV.  At CGTV, we continue to invest our time, resources and energies to being a constant resource for our actors as they enter the wild world of Hollywood.  But, don’t take our word for it. Listen to what one mom has to say about Adrian and CGTV.

“Thank you Adrian for being the best coach my daughter has ever had.  I highly recommend this program to everyone!  He did an incredible job with the talented kids, one of whom is my daughter.  He doesn’t just train these kids in skills, he assists them through the process until they achieve their goal.  Anytime I text Adrian, he responds, sometimes within moments of receiving my text.  He puts my daughter in front of the best agents LA has to offer.  Every agent meeting, my daughter would remind me what Adrian told her… “Mom, we have to be on time, I have to bring my personality and smile and I got this”.  And they do love her and are looking forward to booking her!  Adrian, you are the best.  It is clear that you are not in this for the money, but for passion which you infuse into each of our children.  And thank you for your patience as a teacher.  We love being a part of the CGTV growing family of successful working actors”  Guerdine Cely


Stand Out as an Actor

Kareen Greer How to stand out as an actor? Getting ahead today means having the right connections. No matter where you are coming from in life, the best way to get to where you want to go is not only to have the right skills but to know the right people, or know someone who knows the right people.

The entertainment industry is both demanding and competitive. On any given day, in any given casting call, there are hundreds of talented people vying for the same role. Savvy actors are consistently looking for ways to separate themselves from the pack.  At CGTV, we offer our participants a once in a lifetime opportunity to gain the skills necessary to stand apart from the crowd and make the right connections.

We work with some of the top talent agents in the country, including the Karen Greer Model & Talent Agency. Karen and her team specialize in working with both kids and teenagers in modeling for print, television, commercials and feature films.  Her agency roster has worked on print advertising projects for Abercrombie & Fitch, Vogue Bambini, Ralph Lauren, Target and American Girl as well as both lead and supporting roles in CSI, Rock of Ages, The Glades, Nickelodeon Network and Burn Notice.

In addition to making solid industry connections such as Karen Greer, having the right skills is critically important to landing a role.  At CGTV, we help our program participants to be ready for anything when they step into their auditions. Our curriculum gives participants the tools they need to walk into their next audition with confidence while developing the whole actor so that they are able to stand out for years to come.  

Acting classes are a great place to start gleaning important audition skills, however, it is also important to have a strong understanding of how to work on camera, how to nail a cold read and the art of improvisation.  At CGTV, our curriculum prepares students for each of these critical casting situations to help actors feel more confident.  Students within our program not only learn how to prepare for their auditions but they know the best way to follow-up afterwards.  

Are you interested in find out more about CGTV? Contact our team at 818-284-6689 or visit the CGTV website.


Related sites:

Click here to hear from the talent who have taken CGTV!

Is CGTV a scam? 

CGTV Reviews from real people.